Amended General B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice
Bridget Themba is the Certificate Services Manager at the BEE Chamber and holds
a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree in Human Resources Management
and Marketing. She has extensive knowledge about B-BBEE Certificate Validation.
Daily, Bridget is responsible for all operations pertaining to the collection and
validation, coordination and quality control of B-BBEE Credential collections on
behalf of BEE Chamber members
The annual collection of B-BBEE Certificates and Affidavits
(B-BBEE Credentials) is one of the most arduous tasks in preparing
for a B-BBEE Verification. It takes resources, patience and
consistent follow-up. However, as each valid B-BBEE Credential
contributes to the overall scorecard, it is necessary to go through
the process to meet procurement targets. It goes without saying
that many organisations choose to outsource this task; however,
even when outsourced, there are challenges in encouraging
suppliers to submit their updated B-BBEE Credentials.
A core reason for slow collection rates is that the supply chains
of the majority of organisations do not realise the importance
of updating their B-BBEE Credentials, specifically those that
only have to produce an Affidavit. Therefore, organisations must
educate their supply chain on why they must update and then
submit their B-BBEE Credentials. In many cases, when an
organisation requests updated B-BBEE Credentials, a supplier,
not understanding the rationale behind the request, may think it is
being red-flagged for other reasons. Alternatively, small suppliers,
for example the healthcare sector, are not aware that their
customers require them to supply B-BBEE Credentials.
Apart from suppliers that simply ghost a request for updated
B-BBEE Credentials, collection timelines are an issue, so
is incorrect or erroneously applied information on B-BBEE
Credentials, suppliers measured on the wrong Sector Code of
Good Practice, incorrect Financial Year End applied, a supplier
changing address and phone number without notice or going
into liquidation, and the list goes on. However, the core
challenge is planning Time is always of the essence, as the date for a B-BBEE
Verification is scheduled. Each department or person submitting
information for a B-BBEE Verification scrambles to collate, then
submit, their portion of the B-BBEE Scorecard to the person
who manages the process. However, in terms of collecting
B-BBEE Credentials, the process more often than not starts too
late. To ensure that B-BBEE Credentials are collected accurately
and timeously to meet the timeline for a B-BBEE Verification,
organisations must allow a generous timeline. In saying that,
those at the top of the Transformation chain must manage their
expectations on the total number of B-BBEE Credentials that they
must collect against the B-BBEE Verification timeline.
The perfect timeline for the collection of B-BBEE Credentials
is when an organisation becomes a supplier. A robust Supplier
Application process will ensure that the captured information
is correct.
Organisations that successfully collect their updated B-BBEE
Credentials, for the most, have educated their suppliers about
why it is necessary to update B-BBEE Credentials annually. In
many cases, organisations provide a guide that outlines their
Preferential Procurement Policy and the expectations of its
suppliers. As each supplier was robustly vetted on becoming
one, most updated B-BBEE Credentials meet the requirements.
Some organisations include a clause in the terms and conditions
that obligate a supplier to update their credentials annually, failing
which they would be nullified as a supplier.
Thus, if an organisation intends to procure goods or services from
such a supplier in the future, the supplier would have to reapply to
regain supplier status. Most importantly, the successful collection
of updated B-BBEE Credentials depends on an adequate
timeline, irrespective of whether the collection is done internally or