Human Capital
Employment Equity
Ivan Israelstam is the CEO of Labour
Law Management Consulting. He
is a leading practitioner in labour
law and pragmatic labour relations.
He holds an honours degree from
The University of the Witwatersrand
and IPM diplomas in Personnel
Management and Training.
He has acted in the capacity
of a part-time commissioner
with the CCMA and the
chairperson of Labour
Affairs Committee of SACCI.
Currently, Ivan is the Vice
Chair of the Labour Market
Committee of the SA Board for People Practices. Ivan is
a regular labour law columnist for several prominent
publications. He is the author of “Walking the New
Labour Law Tightrope”, “Labour Law for Managers
Practical Handbook” and “The Gold Future or the
Cold Future.” He is frequently invited to speak on
labour issues on television and radio, as well as
at conferences and seminars.
The definition of ‘unfairness’ does not feature in the Labour Relations Act (LRA). However, I propose that ‘unfairness’ can be identified
in line with the legislation if employers infringe on an employee’s entrenched rights, take a one-sided approach to an issue, implement
unnecessary measures and/or act inappropriately under given circumstances.
It is therefore important to understand how the concept of ‘unfairness’ is applied in labour law. Examining the concept of ‘unfairness’ in
labour practice involves referencing the LRA, but incorporating how arbitrators interpret it at the CCMA, bargaining councils and private
dispute resolution bodies.
Section 186(2) of the LRA defines “unfair labour practice” as “any unfair act or omission that arises between an employer and an
employee involving:
a unfair conduct by the employer relating to the promotion,
demotion, probation (excluding dismissals of probationers)
or training of an employee or relating to the provision of
benefits to an employee;
b the unfair suspension of an employee or any other unfair
disciplinary action short of dismissal in respect of an
c a failure or refusal by an employer to reinstate or re-employ
a former employee in terms of any agreement; and
d an occupational detriment, other than dismissal, in
contravention of the Protected Disclosures Act, 2000,
on account of the employee having made a protected
disclosure defined in that Act.”
The word “unfair” is mentioned several times in the definition.
For example, under paragraph (b) of the definition, it refers to
“…any other unfair disciplinary action….”. However, without
explaining what ‘unfair’ means, the entire definition of unfair
labour practices is meaningless. ‘Unfair’ labour practices are
illustrated in the following cases:
In Bosman vs SA Police Services (2003 5 BALR 523), Bosman
was selected as the second-best candidate for a promotion.
However, another candidate, a ‘Black’ Woman, was selected
for the position. However, the arbitrator found that the failure
to promote Bosman was unfair and ordered the employer to
promote Bosman. The ‘unfairness’ decision here was made on
the basis that:
> Bosman was the best candidate and therefore had the
right to be promoted; and
> the decision to promote the other candidate was
inappropriate as she was not the best one. Furthermore,
there was no proof that her promotion would have served
the purpose of Affirmative Action.
n Tsaperas & Another vs Clayville Cold Storage (Pty) Ltd (2002
11 BALR 858), the arbitrator found that the suspension without
pay of employees constituted an unfair labour practice. The
employer was ordered to pay the suspended employees the
remuneration that was withheld. The basis for ‘unfairness’ in
this case is that, at the time of suspension, the employees had
not been found guilty of any misdoings and could therefore not
be punished.
In Van Amstel vs Eskom (2002 19 BALR 995), the CCMA found
that the employer’s removal of the employee’s travel allowance
was unfair. The ‘unfairness’ here lies in infringing an employee’s
right to a benefit for which he qualified. There was no legitimate
reason for depriving him of this benefit.
At the root of many, if not all, ‘unfair’ practices is an employer’s
attempt to gain something. There is nothing wrong per se with
an employer gaining something, as long as the employee does
not lose out unfairly as a result. Thus, an employer is entitled to
protect its interests or save money by disciplining an employee
or changing the employee’s benefits, providing the discipline
has merit or the loss to the employee is justifiable.
As always, the challenge for the employer is to judge whether its
actions have merit and are justifiable. Due to the complexity of
the law, such judgements cannot be made through guesswork.
Therefore, every employer must obtain comprehensive and
in-depth expertise in labour law through a reputable labour
law expert, including training of all levels of management in the
application of labour law.