Human Capital
By: Stella Nolan
Our Constitution is the cornerstone of South Africa’s democracy. It sets out the values,
the rights of the people, how Parliament and the other legislatures work, the selection
of the national & provincial executives, including how the court system works.
The South African Constitution is one of the most progressive
globally and enjoys high acclaim internationally. It is the supreme
law of the land. No other law or government action can
supersede the provisions of the Constitution.
Chapter 9 of the Constitution establishes state institutions to
support our constitutional democracy. The objective of these
institutions is to promote and protect people’s rights in line
with the Bill of Rights. These bodies are autonomous and state
departments must assist and protect them to ensure their
independence, impartiality, dignity and effectiveness. Enter the
Commission for Gender Equality (CGE), whose mandate is to
monitor gender equality with a focus on women’s rights.
The CGE investigates and challenges laws, practices and
customs that discriminate against people due to their gender. It
monitors government, the private sector and other organisations
to ensure that they promote and protect gender equality.
Focus areas include the representation of women in public life,
employment equity, as well as violence and abuse
against women.
Thanks to our Constitution, all South Africans are given equal
footing in society with no legislation deterring women’s rights.
Women can drive a car, wear what they choose to, decide to be
a homemaker or gain employment, leave that employment, and
have access to finance. Although the foundation offers equality,
barriers linked to socio-economic circumstances, particularly for
women, more so ‘Black’ women, impede their emancipation.
Therefore, in theory, in South Africa, no legislation stops women
from gaining an education, buying, selling or inheriting property,
marrying or divorcing; it is all done on equal footing.
Globally, however, it is not the same for all women and girls
whose rights to be educated, drive a car, wear what they want
or vote, to name but a few, are not intrinsic rights.
Gender Stereotypes
The global women’s movement began in 1911. Although there
has been steady and significant progress in society and the
workplace alike, barriers specific to women remain in place. Firstly
there are the gender stereotypes held by many men. Essentially,
they are generalisations about typical traits of men and women
where there is consensus. Accordingly, gender stereotypes
originate from local culture and traditions. Children learn what
constitutes behaviour between men and women from their family
and friends, the media and institutions, including schools and
religious bodies. The result is a gender division of labour that
exists in all societies; however, it is more prevalent in socio economically complex ones.
The contrasting historic roles of men and women in social
positions have given rise to gender-stereotypical perceptions.
In the domestic sphere, women have performed the majority
of routine domestic work and played a significant caretaker
role in the home. In the workplace, women historically gained
employment in people-oriented service occupations rather than
things-oriented, competitive positions traditionally occupied by
Accordingly, men are characterised as more agentic than women,
taking charge and being in control. On the other hand, women
are portrayed as more communal than men, attuning to others
with the capacity to build relationships. These two contrasting
characterisations are essentially the fundamental motivators for
gender stereotypes.
More women in the workplace
The answer to removing stereotyping is not straightforward,
as the social role of women tends to be additional to their
professional one. There are more women in the workplace now
than ever before, yet, more often than not they are fulfilling both
the workplace and social obligations. In 1967, 36% of households
in the United States were married couples, otherwise referred to as a nuclear family, a partnership and parenthood consisting of a
pair of adults and their socially recognised children. Essentially, the
husband was the provider working outside the home and the wife
tended to the family’s needs. However, today the same statistic
reveals that only 19% of households represent a male provider and a
woman tending the home.
In modern households, women are taking on positions that
were traditional professions reserved for men. Hence women
in the workplace are taking on roles with power and authority.
Notwithstanding, in many instances, they remain in the social
context of a family, the primary caretakers.
Today, a nuclear family with only a woman working is rare. Although,
according to research from Pew Research Centre in 2018, the
scenario has increased over the last four decades from 2% in 1970
to 5% in 2016, respectively. However, over the past four decades,
women-only led households by either choice or circumstance are
a reality. In 2019, women-led households represented 41.8%.
Therefore, the resulting barriers for a woman in a nuclear family or
the one independently leading a household, that include gaps in
organisational policies, pay and opportunities, are detrimental.
Policies supporting women
Although legislation puts men and women on equal footing socially,
professionally women often face a setback as they choose to start
a family. Maternity and family policies should recognise that, if an
organisation employs a woman that is 20 years old and remains
employed for 15 years, there will more than likely be one or more
interruptions in employment due to maternity leave. Furthermore,
women should not be financially penalised due to social
responsibilities, whereby they are taken out of the workplace due to
the medical needs of a child. Although legislation addresses these
matters, internal politics more often than not result in consequences
such as pay deductions, a deterrent for promotion or lack of
Many do not realise that it is at all occupational levels that
women face such discrimination. Therefore, policies explicitly
accommodating the unique requirements of women at all
occupational levels and professions should be in place. Such
support is an investment in the human and productive capital of
women, resulting in higher efficiency and productivity.
In 1955, there were no women in the highest positions of state
globally. By 2021, 26 women globally held the highest position
of state. Women represent 47.29% of the global workforce and
49.59% of the South African one, having grown substantially from
the 22.83% recorded in 1980.
To conclude on a personal note, I have been part of the national
workforce for more than three decades, with only two extended
leave periods due to having my children. In this time I have
witnessed the very best in human empathy and the worst. Over
the years, I have seen brilliant, talented and determined women
achieving extraordinary things. Many of these women have sacrificed
their personal lives and, in many cases, chose their careers over starting a family, which is precisely the intention of women’s
rights. However, at all occupational levels, women do not
necessarily support other women based on their choices and
In my time in the national workforce, I have witnessed women
bullying women until it was so unbearable to the victim that
she resigned, where the perpetrator had no thought for that
woman’s personal circumstances. In another instance, an Exco
Team was suddenly concerned about the future capability of
a woman due to return from maternity leave. It turns out that
another woman raised the concern with them in the first place.
Then a woman in a senior role purposefully scheduled meetings
after hours so women would have to choose between attending
the meeting and picking up their children from school or child
care. The ones that either chose or had no choice but to miss
the after-hours meeting were frowned upon.
When I was heavily pregnant with my second child, I had my
scheduled annual review and salary increase by my boss, who
was a woman. I will never forget how I felt when she said, “You
see, Stella, I was going to promote you, but that cannot happen
now in your condition. As you are going off on maternity leave,
we will have to leave your salary review for next year”. Similarly,
she said in the following review, “Why do I never see you in the
corridors after hours?” I should mention here that I always got
to work at least an hour before the official starting time and two
hours before she got to the office daily. Essentially, why was it
necessary to her that I was seen in the office after hours when
I finished my work? Why did she want me to palm off collecting
my children in order to stay at work when it was unnecessary?
The core of what I am trying to get across is that life is difficult
enough for women generally, whether they head a household,
form part of a nuclear family, or have chosen a career-only
lifestyle, so why purposefully make life more complicated.
In a previous women’s segment, one of the profiles was a
high-powered woman working in the financial sector. In her
profile, she apologised to women she had worked with along
the way. Only when she married and had children later in life did
she realise what a tyrant she had been. She would schedule
meetings according to her diary and availability only. Hence
there were many meetings scheduled in the later afternoon and
early evening. Lo and behold, if one of the women on her team
wanted to excuse herself to collect her children, feed them or
put them to bed. The reality is that she returned to work after
having her children, and another person scheduled a meeting
after working hours. She tried to excuse herself to collect her
children. She was facing the reality of a situation into which she
had placed others as she was asked, “Why can’t your children
just get a taxi home?”
Circumstances change and are different for everyone, so be
kind and empathetic. But most importantly, women must
understand the implications and consequences of throwing
another woman under the bus. To highlight the emancipation of women over the past 100 years, TFM Magazine has profiled
18 women. The segment ‘Women … in Numbers too Large to Ignore’ pays tribute to the
diversity of women playing a role in our national workforce. The profiles are taken from a
diverse and unique group of women born over a span of 30 years , the youngest being 17.
The aim of the profiles is to provide insight into gender equality and equal opportunity from
various professions, occupational levels and sectors at different stages of their lives. Each
of the women showcased received identical questions, with their answers reflecting their
circumstances and life journey. Arlene Wilson-Max
An Associate Membership Executive at the BEE Chamber.
Passionate about sustainable economic empowerment, she has
dedicated almost two decades to business development. Her
focus is on bringing like-minded captains of industry, government
representatives and civil society together to promote growth in the
socio-economic empowerment sphere.
There is never a dull moment as Arlene juggles her career, family
and volunteer work.
The causes she is passionate about are:
> Protecting the conservation and rehabilitation of wetlands
that provides all humans with water. Remember, no wetlands
equals no water, resulting in no life.
> Creating awareness in the male child about how the choices
he makes in the future can impact the life of a girl child.
How would you describe gender equality in the
workplace today?
It is a human rights issue if a woman does
the same job as a man to the same
degree, but earns less money. It
is time for men and women to
come together to address any
existing inequalities to equalise
the playing field for the next
generation of our workforce. In your opinion, is there a difference between
empowerment, equity and gender equality?
There is no difference in the terminology when applying them to
the expectations of women in the workplace. Empowerment,
Equity and Gender Equality make for interesting debate, however,
are addressed on the B-BBEE Scorecard. The Ownership
element addresses equity, Management Control, empowerment,
and Preferential Procurement, equality. Therefore, the B-BBEE
Scorecard will measure and showcase how an organisation
applies the principles of B-BBEE to empower, distribute equity
and address gender equality.
Do you think that young women entering the
workplace today have more access to opportunities?
Yes, without a doubt, in my mind young women today have
access to more opportunities. The question is more a case of
whether they are ready to take up the available opportunities.
South Africa has a vast skills gap due to young women not
having sufficient experience, qualifications and the mindset to
seize opportunities. Again, I return to the B-BBEE Scorecard that
provides for skills interventions and rewards organisations for
employing within their Skills Development pool. Essentially, the
foundation is set, the incentives are in place and the vast pool of
young women are ready to join our national workforce.
Today, is there an area that needs more
attention to protect or empower women, either
socially or professionally?
I do not think there is enough space in this issue of TFM
Magazine to answer this question in totality. Issues around
early childhood, pregnancy, a male child’s perception of the girl
child, women not supporting the development of other women
in the workplace, stereotyping, lack of stringent punishments
for offenders who abuse women, more affordable healthcare
for women’s and related ailments, religious restrictions limiting
women empowerment, social grants versus motivation or
inspiration to develop professionally; the list goes on.
mark ...
Globally, women’s history is full
of trailblazers fighting for equality.
While some glass ceilings have been
shattered, others remain steadfastly in
place. This segment follows the journey
of the emancipation of women from
1792 to today. 1792 | Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Women's participation in society is essential to any nation's
well-being. The English writer and philosopher Mary
Wollstonecraft penned a widely-distributed treatise entitled
“A Vindication of the Rights of Woman”. She argues that
women are not naturally inferior to men, but lack education.
The essay suggests that women should have equal access
to co-educational schooling.
Dante Wilson-Max
A 17-year-old student at Curro Edenvale currently finishing her
fourth year of high school. She hails from a long line of strong,
ambitious women who have taught her to speak her mind
and fight for what she believes in. Strong amongst her belief
system is gender and race equality, including sexual identities.
She believes she lives in an era where many still believe that a
girl child is inferior or incapable compared to a boy child. Her
passion for gender equality stems from the fact that she had
already experienced minor bigotry at a young age. However,
representing the next generation of women entering the national
workforce, she does so with an open mind and a readiness to
stand up for what she believes.
How would you describe gender equality today?
I’d say that it is pretty stagnant. We live in a patriarchal
environment where it seems women must work twice as hard
for something that women are equally entitled to. It may not
seem such in some of society, but in others there is ingrained
misogyny that taints the emancipation of women.
In your opinion, is there a difference between
empowerment, equity and gender equality?
In my opinion, all these concepts work towards the same thing,
a future where men and women everywhere are seen as equals.
The words freedom and fairness describe all three of these
concepts. Freedom is to decide what we do with our time and
bodies; fairness is equal treatment and opportunities.
Do you think that young women entering the workplace
today have more access to opportunities?
Yes, of course, I do; when we look at the work dynamic that
women had previously, opportunities are boundless. At least
now, when I enter the workforce, I can choose to enter a career
traditionally for men or decide to become a homemaker if I
so wish. As my generation of women enters the workforce, I
believe we take up opportunities paved by women who have
come before us. One message – the next generation of women
entering the national workforce expect equality, understand the
concept and will work hard, which will afford the next generation
of women more opportunities. Today, is there an area that needs more attention
to protect or empower women, either socially or
There needs to be a more appropriate punishment for abusers
and sufficient resources to identify and prosecute them, as
justice at the moment is not on the side of women. Girl children
must know how to identify and address abuse in every area
of their lives and the importance of ‘girl-on-girl support’. On
the other hand, the boy child must be educated about abuse,
assault, internalised misogyny and sexism and not buy into the
‘boys will be boys’ mentality as these are learned behaviours.
Perpetrators must be accountable for their actions and
reactions, whether socially or in the workspace.
Finally, the workplace is very much like the school ground, where
women often take each other down. As a collective, women
should stand in solidarity and support one another in every
aspect of life.
Dimpho Sepeng
She is the Social Media Manager at the BEE Chamber.
Although she schooled in Johannesburg, she proudly hails from
Rustenburg in North West Province, famous for its platinum
mines and game parks. Dimpho grew up in a home with both
her parents and four older siblings. As the years went by,
the family extended and so did the household, as the family
welcomed her nieces, nephew and brother-in-law into the home.
Subsequently, it was a household with little privacy and she
craved her own space, but she is thankful for such a close-knit
Following her matric year at Fields College, she enrolled in
a three-year course at IIE Rosebank College in marketing
management. She graduated with distinction and bagged the
top achiever accolade for the course.
1911 | International Women’s Day:
A day for women
Marked annually on 8th March, the first International
Women's Day in 1911 amassed more than one million
people across Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland
for women's suffrage and labour rights. The day became a
mechanism to protest World War I in its early years. Most
notably, in Russia, a sizeable women-led demonstration
broke out demanding "bread and peace!" Four days later,
the Czar abdicated. Now a Russian national holiday, the
day is what some historians believe ignited the Russian
The attendees of a 1910 meeting in Copenhagen proposed
that one day each year be set aside to honour the women’s
rights movement. The aim was to build support for universal
suffrage. The proposal marked International Women’s
Day for the first time in Austria, Denmark, Germany and
Switzerland in March of 1911. More than one million women
and men attended rallies supporting women’s right to vote,
hold public office, access vocational training, enter the
labour force and participate without discrimination. 1915 | International Congress of Women
In the spring of 1915, over one thousand female delegates
from the US and eleven European nations gathered in The
Hague for the first International Congress of Women, later
known as the Women’s International League for Peace and
1914-1945 | The changing world of work
World War I and II drove women to take on “untraditional”
jobs as men headed to war. A Western cultural icon of
women war workers, Rosie the Riveter has since been re interpreted globally as a symbol of women’s empowerment. How would you describe gender equality in the
workplace today?
Based on my observations, I would argue that there is not a
lot of gender equality in the workplace. Unfortunately, many
organisations have not mastered how to unlearn behaviours
that promote inequality. Until organisations recognise and
address the issue, there will not be equality, especially in the
area of the gender pay gap.
There are women in leadership positions, but it does not
happen as often as it should. Women breaking through the
glass ceiling are incredible to watch and provide young girls with
role models.
In your opinion, is there a difference between
empowerment, equity and gender equality?
Although the words can arguably mean the same thing,
they mean different things. For me, empowerment means
giving tools to someone so they have access to better work
opportunities, with the prospect of upskilling, and resources to
improve one’s life and self-worth.
Equity is about fairness, being treated fairly in every area of
society and the workplace.
Gender equality speaks to equal opportunities for women
and men, from education to the workplace, irrespective of a
person’s occupation or the sector they represent. It provides
professional and personal growth, no matter what part of
the national workforce one represents. The reality is that
women, like their male counterparts, are looking to succeed
professionally and strive for financial independence to contribute
meaningfully to society.
Do you think that young women entering the workplace
today have more access to opportunities?
Young women today do have better opportunities than were
previously available. More male-dominant sectors are opening
up for women and women are proudly taking their rightful
place. However, young women must then take opportunities
when they present themselves, whether as an employee or an
entrepreneur. Young women must take the initiative to market
themselves and be ready to accept any challenge.
Opportunities present themselves in different ways. For
example, a young woman may accept a promotion knowing
it was to fill a gender diversity quota, which would present her
with an opportunity to shine and demonstrate the inherent
abilities of women, which will then, by default, provide
opportunities for others.
Today, is there an area that needs more attention
to protect or empower women, either socially or
Women have experienced enough hardships to last a lifetime,
personally and professionally. On a personal level, women need
protection from violence. Women and children in this country are falling in their numbers at the hands of men, and nothing
concrete is in place to curb it.
Usually, after a tragedy, organisations will run campaigns
here and there without following through. Laws to protect
women against violence need to be more robust, with severe
consequences for those perpetrating violence. The mortality
rate of women and children is rising rapidly and, in a time where
technology is better than it has ever been, things have never
been worse for a woman or child in our country.
Core is acceptance that the well-being and lives of women are
equally important to those of men. We genuinely need to be more
proactive in our efforts to protect women and children, so we can
change the status quo, because it’s looking bleak right now.
Elinor Sisulu
A Zimbabwean-born South African writer, a children’s literature
specialist and social justice activist. Her career began in
1981 as a researcher in the newly-independent Zimbabwean
government’s Ministry of Labour. She participated in writing the
first major study on women’s employment in Zimbabwe; then
she worked for the International Labour Organisation from 1987
to 1990. Elinor moved to South Africa with her family in 1991,
where she worked for the feminist magazine SPEAK. Apart from
publishing numerous articles, she has authored an award winning children’s book, ‘The Day Gogo Went to Vote’ and the
biography of ‘Walter and Albertina Sisulu’. As the Executive
Director of the Puku Children’s Literature Foundation, she
promotes children’s books in indigenous languages.
How would you describe gender equality in the
workplace today?
Since the management and staff of the non-profit organisation
that I run are 90% female, gender equality is not an issue for
us. The sector in which we work is also predominantly female.
I believe that generally, there have been enormous strides
in workplace equality, enabled by a progressive legislative
framework. Our experience of inequality is in the lack of sufficient corporate and government investment in the sectors
in which women dominate, especially in the early childhood
education sector.
In your opinion, is there a difference between
empowerment, equity and gender equality?
I have not put too much thought into this. I am just too busy
struggling to secure the resources for the work that we need to
Do you think that young women entering the workplace
today have more access to opportunities?
Yes and no. We have the legislation to support women’s
participation in the workplace and many precedents have
been set for women to enter previously male-dominated fields.
However, changing technologies and economic contraction have
led to declining employment opportunities for young people in
Today, is there an area that needs more attention
to protect or empower women, either socially or
Developing digital skills and competencies that will enable
women to compete in the knowledge economy is an absolute
Isabel Joubert
A sub-editor at the Law Society of South Africa. She sees herself
as a ‘worker ant’ and does her job and everything in life to the
best of her ability. As a child, she had the advantage of visiting
many countries and experiencing the world’s different cultures,
which is where the travel bug bit her. Now and again, a change
of scenery is necessary, so weekends away during the busy
work year are crucial. Isabel loves to travel, new foods and
enjoys engaging with people from different cultures. She believes
the best things in life are not material or even the places she
visits on her travels, as the memories are always more significant
when you make them with others. How would you describe gender equality in the
workplace today?
I think there have been huge strides, especially when looking
at posters from the 1950s when women were only ‘allowed’ to
study certain degrees, if any degree at all. Women are now taking
the professional world by storm. Not everything is equal as yet,
but many things still have to happen to improve on the past. We
will achieve complete equality when hiring people is done without
the employee needing to know the gender of the person, as no
one gender is better or more important than the other.
In your opinion, is there a difference between
empowerment, equity and gender equality?
There is a difference because empowerment and equity are
needed to make gender equality a reality. Empowerment is about
giving someone the tools to achieve something and equity is the
process used to reach the equality goal.
Do you think that young women entering the workplace
today have more access to opportunities?
Young women of today do have more access to opportunities.
They are walking on the roads paved by the women who have
struggled and worked tirelessly to achieve the opportunities the
women of today have. However, this does not mean that today’s
women can sit idly by and expect the change to be complete;
they must push in all ways possible to ensure that the next
generation is even better off than they are.
Today is there an area that needs more attention to protect
or empower women, either socially or professionally?
In my opinion, highly specified and high-paced jobs need to be
looked at because there is a perception that men can do the job
better and faster. Socially, the gender based violence issue should be
addressed more intensely; there
needs to be more support given
to those in dire situations.
Janet Landey
She wears two caps as the Founder of the Skills Village 2030
and representing the Institute of Event Management. As one
of eight children living on a small holding in North Riding, she
was privileged to have completed her education at St Teresa’s
Convent in Rosebank, Johannesburg. Privileged because her dad
worked at a Building Society by day, was a choirmaster at their
catholic church, and played the trumpet at events like weddings
and park concerts on weekends and at night. He worked hard to support his family. When Janet was twelve years old, she came
home from school to find her mum had had a heart attack and
died – it was devastating. The support the family received from
the school, the church, friends and family was amazing.
She played school provincial hockey, which meant money for
equipment, uniforms etc., which fell outside the household
budget, but miraculously support and funds always found their
way to her for everything she needed. It is precisely that support
which had a significant influence on her life. In Janet’s words,
“Many folks moved the rock out the road for us as children”.
As she ventured into business, that support became her
benchmark. At times, others perceived her as ‘weak’ and ‘soft’,
with folk struggling to get on their feet, but through her personal
experiences, she understands how important it is to lend a
helping hand. She believes that everyone deserves support with
access to opportunities.
Forty years ago, Janet and her sister Angie started a florist,
‘Frogs, Flowers and Things’, and then an Event Décor and Design
company – the whole family got roped in. They were privileged to
have been the event decorators for many extraordinary events,
like the release of Nelson Mandela from prison, his 80th Birthday,
Thabo Mbeki’s inauguration, the 2010 FIFA World Cup and many
other iconic events that contributed towards the tremendous
changes that we see in our country today.
How would you describe gender equality in the
workplace today?
In 2021, globally, 80% of the workforce in the events
industry were women. The number of women leading event
management companies has increased by 40% over the past
three years. The same survey revealed that amongst the over
50 surveyed women managers in the industry, at least 98%
confirmed that they have never felt disadvantaged as women in
the industry.
Diversity and gender equality are a given in the creative industry.
It has been refreshing to work with a new generation of young
interns, where the ratio is one guy to four ladies– we didn’t
go out looking specifically for this ratio; this was the ratio that
applied for the positions... no bias. Having said that, in an
industry where we are doing sets and creating experiences for
our clients, there are tasks where it is great to have men on
the team who step up to the plate when it comes to lifting and
hauling … so for women in the industry, the natural ratio works
In your opinion, is there a difference between
empowerment, equity and gender equality?
Empowerment for us, in the industry we are privileged to be
working in, is a natural progression. This is particularly the case
in this new generation, where men and women are confidently,
creatively and equally filling different roles in the industry,
whether it is as event planners, designers, light/sound
technicians, in marketing, administration, operations or risk
– there is no discrimination. The event industry supports gender equity by providing equal
opportunities without discrimination.
From a gender equity perspective, the industry must provide
whatever is required to do the job, irrespective of gender and
without discrimination.
Our experience, particularly in the décor side of events, is that
everyone pulls together as a team. Timelines and design are
critical elements to a successful event that must come together
seamlessly. From a gender equality perspective in the sector,
it is not an issue – everyone has equal opportunities across all
disciplines in the industry.
Do you think that young women entering the workplace
today have more access to opportunities?
The event industry globally is a natural gender equality
opportunity space without discrimination – you need to be
willing, able and capable to do the job. Timelines are tight, fine
attention to detail is a given, and team trust is critical, but the
rewards are great.
Today, is there an area that needs more attention to protect
or empower women, socially or professionally?
The new generation of young women we work with leads the way
with regard to confident equality. Although we are not experts
in the field, our experience in the local community, working with
youth and elders, is that the youth benefit from equal education
and opportunities. They have the confidence to belong to
themselves working at an event management level – irrespective
of gender. Youth who may not have studied for or worked on
event elements like event set-up can learn through participation as
equals in this great industry that I am privileged to be a part of.
Kathleen Kriel
A Production Editor at the Law Society of South Africa, she
is a 38-year-old single bilingual woman hailing from Pretoria.
Following matric, she won a bursary to study journalism at the Tshwane University of Technology. The bursary allowed her
to further her studies. Her parents could not afford to pay her
tuition, as her father was retrenched in her matric year. In her
third year at university, she accepted an internship as a student
assistant. After that, she was asked to stay as a Programme
Manager at the student radio station on campus. At that time, it
was known as TUT Top Stereo, but is known today as Tshwane
2008 was a year that marked change for Kathleen, following the
ill health and passing of her father. It was an event that inspired
her to complete her dissertation that allowed her to finish her
degree - the first in her family to achieve this accolade - and
follow the career path her studies prepared her for.
How would you describe gender equality in the
workplace today?
Gender equality in the workplace would include a situation
where men and women receive the same remuneration for
their work. There would be equal opportunities for both sexes
and no barriers to equal participation in the workplace, even
when it comes to maternity leave. Equality is when there are
fair processes and transformation in place for all employees,
allowing for the building of an inclusive community.
In your opinion, is there a difference between
empowerment, equity and gender equality?
Yes, there is a difference; as I am a Production Editor, each
word is unique to me.
> Empowerment: when a person has the power to enable
themselves and the community around them to represent
their interests.
> Gender equality: when people of all genders - men,
women and the LGBTQ Community - have equal rights
and opportunities.
> Equity: when you are free from bias and discrimination,
thus get the necessary support.
Do you think that young women entering the workplace
today have more access to opportunities?
Yes, I would like to hope so. I want to think that women entering
their respective professions can voice their opinions and
express when they are happy or unhappy in their workplace.
Whether this is happening, though, is another story. There
are legal cases where you read about sexual harassment or
discrimination occurring in the workplace, where men take
advantage of women, and women cannot say anything for fear
of losing their jobs. That is very sad to me.
Today is there an area that needs more attention
to protect or empower women, either socially or
There is always room for improvement when it comes to
protecting and empowering women, both socially and
professionally. As women, we sometimes forget how special
we are, especially with our everyday responsibilities, which
can make one feel unappreciated. A woman needs to feel appreciated. I think that is why I always compliment other
women on their shoes or outfits, especially when they are not
expecting it, and the smiles on their
faces say it all. My mom used
to say, “You never know
what another woman is
going through; you could
be standing next to
someone who is broken
physically, emotionally,
or spiritually. Even though
you cannot help them, your
kind word will mean the
world to them.” Now that is
something I strive for.
Kgomotso Ramotsho
At 31 years old, hailing from Mabopane, she is a News Reporter
at the Law Society of South Africa. She sees herself as a
downtown girl from one of the biggest townships in Pretoria
who had a dream of becoming a journalist. Whether it is current
or entertainment news, the news is her passion – local or
international. She comes from a family of strong and hard working women. Kgomotso’s grandmothers and mother are her
role models who believe in giving and helping others; something
ironically passed down from her late great-grandfather.
How would you describe gender equality in the
workplace today?
For me, it is both genders having equal opportunities and
getting the same recognition for their hard work, regardless of
gender. The core is having a man and a woman working in the
same department, doing the same job, and getting the same
salary and benefits.
In your opinion, is there a difference between
empowerment, equity and gender equality?
Yes, there is a difference; however, all three have to be in place
for everyone in the workplace. I do not think you can mention
one without the other two, as they go hand in hand, in one way
or the other Do you think that young women entering the workplace
today have more access to opportunities?
I think they do, even though it is not happening at scale that it
Today is there an area that needs more attention
to protect or empower women, either socially or
Socially, some women still believe it always has to be a man’s
way or things can only be done right by a man. Yet, many single
mothers are raising children alone and doing a fantastic job.
Such women need to be empowered and uplifted to make them
realise that one does not need to stay in a loveless or abusive
relationship. Women must not be afraid that a man, who might
be the breadwinner, will not support them anymore or that they
are not good enough to be a community leader in their village or
township because we have always had men in that role.
At work, women need to be empowered to grasp opportunities
in leading roles, grow
organisations and be
a part of building
wealth and a
Linda Sewnarain
She is the Managing Director and a Technical Signatory at 5
Star BEE Compliance, a SANAS accredited B-BBEE Rating
Agency. She was born and grew up during the Apartheid era.
Consequently, her family struggled to make ends meet, which
led to difficult times. It was not long before Linda realised that
education was her ticket out of poverty. She was fortunate to
have older siblings who supported and uplifted her. Her greatest
strength was and remains her five brothers, who inspired
and motivated her throughout her education. Her brothers
succeeded in the medical and business fields. Witnessing them
succeed drove her to work hard and persevere in the B-BBEE
space. Entering the B-BBEE sphere came with challenges, as she was
initially turned down for a position that she firmly believed was
because of her gender. But that was merely a stumbling block. A
while later, she was called and offered the job. 2011 was a turning
point for Linda, as she ventured into the world of business and
entrepreneurship with the support of her husband. She proudly
controls and manages an organisation that has 100% ‘Black’
Ownership and is 51% is ‘Black’ Woman-owned.
How would you describe gender equality in the
workplace today?
In our line of work, gender inequality still exists. There is a far
greater tendency and eagerness for management, at every level,
to be male-dominant. However, organisations are embracing
transformation, which encourages gender equality and
empowerment. Employers are making more of an effort to employ
women, then earmark them for management and senior roles.
The role of women in the workplace has significantly evolved
over the years. Many have taken on more complex and high-level
positions, such as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Executive
Officer. The consistent evolution continually creates opportunities
for women, hence better representation in our national workforce.
In your opinion, is there a difference between
empowerment, equity and gender equality?
There are distinct differences between empowerment, equity and
gender equality, particularly regarding implementing B-BBEE.
These concepts are stipulated clearly in the Codes of Good
Practice, The Employment Equity Act and our Constitution. All
these pieces of legislation strive to close the deficit of wealth and
access challenges facing our country.
Empowerment constitutes many of the objectives held in the
Codes of Good Practice, whilst equity and gender equality are the
focus of the Employment Equity Act and our Constitution.
Do you think that young women entering the workplace
today have more access to opportunities?
Indeed, the situation has significantly changed over the last 20
years. Women now have access to many opportunities, which
they were denied merely two decades ago. They can work in any
industry, irrespective of the type of role they undertake. Over two
decades, many industries, like the construction and engineering
fields, have substantially increased women’s representation.
Women in the national workforce have revolutionised the space,
as well as the perceptions and role women play in a household.
Today, is there an area that needs more attention to protect
or empower women, either socially or professionally?
Yes, the role of women in both professional and social spaces
needs to be protected and empowered. From a social perspective,
cultural differences where women typically take up stereotypical
roles, contribute to the primitive mindsets of others. These opinions
have shaped how society treats women and, unfortunately, primitive
mindsets still exist.
Women are embracing dual roles as they juggle motherhood, the
home and work-life balance. In the professional world, women take up the challenge to compete in previously male-dominated
positions. Organisations are encouraged to support the needs
of women in the workplace by coaching and mentoring them to
reach better and more challenging roles. I believe that women can
conquer great things when given the same opportunities as their
male counterparts.
Mapula Oliphant
She is Editor/Acting Communications Manager at The Law
Society of South Africa, as well as a daughter, sister and wife,
but most importantly, a mother of three boys. She prides herself
on knowing who she is to understand herself better and how she
reacts to situations that life throws at her. Some may consider her
an introvert because she relishes some alone time to process the
world and how she fits in it.
She has lived through hardship, but sees it as what has
allowed her to grow as a person and become stronger, never
questioning “why me”. Mapula is a perfectionist in everything
she does, therefore putting 100% effort into all her endeavours.
A near-death experience has taught her to participate fully in life
and to live in the present.
She always spreads joy among the people with whom she
interacts. If she can help someone, she will do all she can for
them. However, Mapula wanting to help must not be confused
with her being a people pleaser. This lady is no pushover. Her
message in life is, “Always try to be nice to one another, as
there is so much negativity in the world.”
How would you describe gender equality in the
workplace today?
There is still much work to be done on this issue of gender
equality. In theory, it is working. Yes, more women get
opportunities to be leaders in the workplace. However, there
are still notions that women are just handed these positions and
are not necessarily worthy of them. The negative is an apparent
perception problem, not factual. We still have a few obstacles
that oppose women in leadership in the workplace because of
a perception that women cannot cope in top positions. As time
goes by, the negative perception will waiver, when women prove
they are just as competent to do any job In your opinion, is there a difference between
empowerment, equity and gender equality?
Yes, there is a difference between these terms, even though
the concepts are often confused. Empowerment is when
someone has the tools to improve their situation, like education
or equipment. Equity is when someone is not judged because of
a preconceived bias. Gender equality refers to having access to
resources and opportunities regardless of a person’s gender.
Do you think that young women entering the workplace
today have more access to opportunities?
Yes, I believe young women today have access to more
opportunities. All the years spent fighting for equal rights for
women are paying off and change is coming.
Today is there an area that needs more attention
to protect or empower women, either socially or
One area that needs attention is the expectations society places
on women to be the ones who do all the house chores, even
with a full-time job. Men are not expected to go to work, get
home and cook, whereas women are expected to do that. I
am very fortunate to have a very hands-on partner who helps
around the house, especially now that I am busy studying in
addition to my two job titles. I know I would not cope with all
my work commitments and the household if my partner was not
helpful and empowered himself.
Nadiya Hattia
A Senior Consultant at the BEE Chamber.
Who are you, what is your
back story?
That is a loaded question. Often
who we are is defined by our
qualifications, working experience
and obstacles. There is no doubt
that the aforementioned are part
of who I am, but, like everyone
else, I am so much more than
that. I am Nadiya; I love pizza and
burgers. I am sensitive, but have
a level head on my shoulders. I
consider myself kind and sincere,
and I believe in love no matter one’s
ethnicity, religion, culture or gender.
I love the sky, sun, sea and stars –
nature breathes life into me. Some do
not know that I am impatient, but
rather talented at disguising it. How would you describe gender equality in the
workplace today?
I recently read an article about the 1913 Native Land Act, which
prohibited women from owning land. The core of the act is that
land could not be registered in the name of any woman. Any such
land had to be registered in a man’s name, for example a husband,
brother or father. Thankfully, this legislation was abolished 100 years
later and the amended Land Reform Act currently exists to address
the circumstances that the original legislation was responsible for.
We have come a long way with that context in mind, but we still
have a long way to go.
In your opinion, is there a difference between empowerment,
equity and gender equality?
The word ‘empowerment’ forms part of the B-BBEE acronym for
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment. By its very definition,
B-BBEE encompasses equity and gender equality. Furthermore,
B-BBEE closely aligns with Employment Equity, promoting
empowerment, equity and gender equality. In saying this, perhaps
empowerment is an overarching principle which encompasses sub principles like equity and gender equality. For me, gender equality is
a topic that I am particularly passionate about.
Gender is not as simple as men and women, a social construct.
There is an inherent stereotyping in gender roles and a stigma for not
conforming to the perceived ‘norm’. There are so many more layers
to heteronormative ideologies than are currently applied to society.
For example, today, people embrace who they are by how they feel
rather than what they look like outwardly. My question on gender
equality in the workplace is: Despite legislation clearly stating no
discrimination based on race, gender, marital status etc, how many
organisations employ a man who is outwardly gay, potentially dressing
in a more feminine manner? The inverse applies to a woman who
is outwardly gay and comfortable in her skin. Is it a reality that,
potentially, a person not conforming to the perceived ‘norm’ may lose
professional opportunities? Will clients be offended? And if so, why?
Will such employees put the reputation of an organisation at stake?
And if so, why?
Although we can speak on this topic at length, my answer is yes;
there is a difference based on stereotypically perceived norms.
Essentially, if someone wears a mask of perceived normalcy that hides
who they are, they are more likely to reap the rewards of opportunity.
Hence, a tick in the empowerment box, but not the gender equality
one. Gender equality goes far beyond women being afforded the
same opportunities as men, as all people should be afforded the
same opportunities, providing they possess the necessary skills. More
vvimportantly, society should not exclude people based on a gender
Today, is there an area that needs more attention to protect or
empower women, either socially or professionally?
Women and some men still face binary roles, which they fulfil based
on what society expects. I think that in the workplace an employer
should afford men and women paid paternity and maternity leave
respectively. Women should have a platform where their voices are not only listened to, but heard. Women are often the second
choice, purely because they may get pregnant in the future. The
questions asked in interviews with women are:
> Are you in a relationship? If the answer is no, then why? Or
if yes, then are you planning on having, or already have, a
> Are you married? If the answer is yes or no, then why?
> Do you want children?
> How old are you?
> Do you already have children; expecting any more?
More than policies and procedures, there needs to be a change
in mindset. More often than not, how a woman responds to
these questions either opens or closes doors, which is ridiculous
in this day and age, as well as being both unprofessional
and unethical, and going against the very legislation that we
endeavour to promote. Essentially such questions are personal
and there should be an entitlement of privacy; or at the very
least the answers to the above questions should not be a
disadvantage. Worse still is that such questions do not have
anything to do with a woman’s ability to do the job. Organisations
recruiting should concentrate on competency and output, rather
than harnessing concerns about the gender constructs.
Nicky Bezuidenhout
As the Marketing Manager at eDeaf, her career in the Deaf
Community began with a chance encounter with a Deaf woman
who became a friend whilst living in the UK. So she could better
communicate with her, Nicky enrolled in Sign Language evening
classes at a local college. At the time, Nicky’s deaf friend and
her husband were trying to have a baby. It took her three
years to become pregnant, enough time for Nicky to become
proficient enough in Sign Language to act as her interpreter
when she took antenatal classes. In Nicky’s words, “That
personally was very satisfying” How would you describe gender equality in the
workplace today?
South Africa has significantly fewer women in executive
positions, according to, even though
women make up 51% of the South African population. Although
I believe the country is making strides to close the gap, we
are still not quite there. According to Statistics SA, the South
African unemployment rate is higher among women than men.
Traditionally, men had more senior roles than women, hence
were more likely to be employed.
However, eDeaf’s statistics differ as we employ more women
than men. Of the 58 people employed, 40 are women, 46 are
Deaf, with six women leading the organisation. Our CEO is
a woman and “disabled” according to classification, but she
is undoubtedly very empowered and a person of significant
influence and authority.
In your opinion, is there a difference between
empowerment, equity and gender equality?
Empowerment is about having the tools to succeed. When I
write this, I think of my son, who will soon turn 18! My husband
and I have effectively empowered him and set the platform for
him to launch. Empowerment is not a guarantee of success,
but we make every possible effort to mitigate the risk of him
falling. The “e” in “eDeaf” refers to ‘employ’ and ‘empower’. A
successful launch of a candidate into the world of work means
we first need to ensure the rocket structure is sound. The eDeaf
training centers provide this structure, incubation of practical
experience and theory training, as well as participating in
necessary simulations and role play. Our facilitators support the
rocket guidance system. The Learner’s emotional intelligence
can be likened to the nosecone, which minimises drag and
provides stability and control. The propulsion is their willingness
to succeed. Equality is essentially fairness, but since life has not
dealt the same hand to every individual, equity is not a given.
Do you think that young women entering the workplace
today have more access to opportunities?
It has been a while since I entered the national workforce, so
I cannot speak for women entering it today. However, in my
dealings with clients over the past eight years, I have seen many
women holding influential positions. On the other hand, I have
met dedicated men who are secretaries, nurses and working in
public relations – roles traditionally held by women.
I distinctly remember two previous positions I held
where I reported to men. Both were effectively corporate
communications positions. My boss first asked me what I
would like my job title to be, and then we agreed on the title
‘Communications Manager’. The role, and his belief in me,
allowed me to travel internationally, co-ordinate conferences
and lead the communication’s team. Conversely, when I left this
role to join a larger organisation, it quickly became clear that
my primary role would be to serve bacon sandwiches, tea and coffee to the boardroom. At the same time, the men went to work
on the organisation’s business strategy. Although I was well-liked,
I was not ‘seen’ and, given my work experience, this was very
disempowering, even though the pay was excellent.
Today, is there an area that needs more attention to protect
or empower women, socially or professionally?
If you type “How can a woman” into Google, the most frequently
searched phrase will reveal itself to be “How can a woman get out
of an unhealthy relationship”. I think that says it all.
Nkhensane Bridget Nthane
As the Human Resources Manager at the Law Society of South
Africa, she holds an Honours Degree in Industrial Psychology. She
is a proud African queen, born and raised in Pretoria. Passionate
about education, she is a daughter to a single parent and the
only child of a retired educator, who herself was passionate about
education. Her mother’s mission in life was to ensure Nkhensane
was equipped and sufficiently empowered to choose the life she
wanted to have and be self-reliant.
How would you describe gender equality in the workplace
I think it’s important to note that we can never achieve gender
equality in the workplace if we have not achieved it in our
household. If we treat girl and boy children differently, social
inequality will continue. So, let’s not teach girl children to be
submissive and focus on needlework, or tell a boy child he does
not have to do dishes because that is women’s work. Rigid ideals
like this will follow the girl and boy child into adulthood.
Firstly, today gender extends beyond male and female or the
biological concept, as there are people who identify differently to
being either a man or a woman. I would love to include them in
gender identity. Gender equality in the workplace refers to ensuring that both
men and women enjoy the same workplace opportunities,
conditions of employment and fair pay scales. Core to this
corporate evolution is that those women with a certain level
of education, qualifications and experience are afforded the
same opportunities as their male counterparts. In today’s
environment, many organisations are slowly but consciously
taking steps towards making this a reality and are committed to
ensuring that women are empowered.
In your opinion, is there a difference between
empowerment, equity and gender equality?
There is no difference between empowerment, equity, and
gender equality as they are all concepts that allow opportunity
and access to women, the previously disadvantaged and
people with disabilities.
For me, empowerment and gender equality can be used
synonymously. Both concepts provide the opportunity to
upskill through mechanisms like experiential training, gaining
a qualification or specific knowledge in a particular field. An
example is taking someone through Adult Basic Education
and Training (ABET) to get a grade 12 certificate or providing
mentorship to a junior qualified professional.
On the other hand, equity refers to fairness and equality
in outcomes, allowing organisations to investigate and
then identify its specific shortfalls, so they can consider
Do you think that young women entering the workplace
today have more access to opportunities?
Yes, compared to 10 years ago, young women entering the
workplace today have a number of opportunities to access.
The world of work is changing. If anything, COVID19 has taught
us that work is no longer about how many boxes one can
pick up in a day, because technology has a solution for that
today. Organisations can no longer measure performance on
an individual’s physical strength, but the output from behind a
computer at home.
What drives performance is how performance is measured. If
organisations identify KPA or KPIs as a standard set to achieve
outcomes, it is simple to make the distinction. Yes, I know
we are not that far advanced, especially in South Africa, but
performance managing gender equality will make an impact,
but may take time to run like a well-oiled machine. Therefore,
work still needs to be done. However, there is evidence that
men and women can produce the same output at the same job
functions. Affording opportunities in an organisation must be
done on equal footing. Things are moving forward, as issues
like pay scales and promotions for women shift to being merit base Today is there an area that needs more attention
to protect or empower women, either socially or
Socially, the government needs to put more effort into promoting
gender equality. Gender-based violence stems from men not
seeing women as equal partners who can compete on an equal
footing. It has to be more than a man’s brute force.
Professionally, one area that needs focus is preventing and
eliminating harassment in the workplace. The recently Amended
Code of Good Practice on the prevention and elimination of
harassment in the workplace put a spotlight on issues like
bullying and sexual harassment. Both are a form of oppression
and victimisation by those in a position of power.
Palesa Matlala
27 year old Palesa is the Receptionist at the BEE Chamber. She
is a journalism and media studies graduate and found her way
to the BEE Chamber through the YES Programme. Due to being
born in 1994, she is referred to as a child of democracy. She
grew up in Soweto Meadowlands zone 7, but now lives in the
southern suburbs of Johannesburg.
How would you describe gender equality in the workplace
South African legislation and, more specifically, labour legislation
aims to eliminate unfair discrimination and promote equality.
Unlike various other nations, South Africa has dynamic
legislation in place that secures and advances women’s rights
in general and within the working environment. Therefore, the
key is the recognition of legislation and development for the
prevention of gender discrimination.
I would describe gender equality in the workplace as employees
of all genders having equal rights,
responsibilities and opportunities
to access the same rewards and
resources. Critical aspects
include equal pay benefits for
comparable roles with similar
responsibilities, and
equal opportunities for
promotion as well as
career progression In your opinion, is there a difference between empowerment,
equity and gender equality?
The basis of empowerment in the workplace is providing employees
with the resources, authority, opportunity and motivation to do their
work, which will make them happier and more proficient. One of the
most basic employee empowerment examples is giving employees a
voice in important decisions that affect them.
However, equity and gender equality are the same concepts that
provide fair opportunities for all employees. Thus, it ensures that
every employee has access to the same treatment, opportunities
and potential career progress.
Do you think young women entering the workplace today
have more access to opportunities?
I agree that young women entering the workplace today have
more access to opportunities because women are said to possess
qualities that make them more employable. Young women can relate
through empathy and appreciation of others, since they focus on
individuals and their needs.Women can multitask, as we are naturally
energetic and go-getters.
Here are some fast facts:
> For more than 30 years, women have been earning more
Bachelor’s degrees than men.
> The duration women remain employed at an organisation is the
same as for their male counterparts.
> 49% of the global workforce are women; however, they only
account for 10.9% of senior executives among the world’s
largest 500 companies.
Today is there an area that needs more attention to protect or
empower women, either socially or professionally?
Designing social protection programs that empower women is an area
that needs more attention in our country. Around the world, leaders
have pledged to build back better from the COVID 19 pandemic and
social protection programs have emerged as a core policy response.
Countering to the pandemic, one hundred and ninety-five countries
or territories have expanded or introduced social protection
measures globally.
Organisations can empower women in their workplace. The way we
work has changed dramatically due to the pandemic; record numbers
of women left the workforce to care for their families and manage
their children’s education from home. As these women re-enter
the workforce, flexibility will be more important to them than ever.
Organisations that support working moms create a more collaborative
and thriving environment.
The most effective way to empower women professionally is to
choose words wisely when communicating. How people choose
words goes a long way towards better performance and a positive
disposition towards an organisation. Critical is that organisations
should bear in mind that women respond positively to words like
committed, dependable, responsible, as opposed to terms like
analytical and adventurous, to name but a few. An organisation should
put faith in the women making up its workforce and have a deeper understanding of their needs, which will yield the best outcomes.
Implementing fair and inclusive policies will professionally
empower women in the work environment; organisations must
walk the walk. Standard policies and procedures promoting
fair treatment irrespective of gender, race or sexual orientation
should be the norm. Furthermore, policies should ensure
maternal health is recognised and accounted for with no
discrimination in pay or career progression.
Shannon Munnik
27-year-old Shannon hails from Johannesburg and is the
Member Experience Account Manager at the BEE Chamber.
She was raised by a single, strong and independent woman
who worked out of poverty to provide a better life for her two
daughters. Throughout Shannon’s childhood, education was
the priority that would open doors and provide her with the life
her mother worked so hard for her to achieve.
How would you describe gender equality in the
workplace today?
Gender equality in the workplace means equal opportunities,
rights and responsibilities for everyone forming part of the
national workforce. In my opinion, absolute equality means
neutral job specifications with no additional criteria that
would create a barrier to entry and the eradication of the
gender pay gap.
In your opinion, is there a difference between
empowerment, equity and gender equality?
Equity does not necessarily equate to empowerment without a
fair and equal starting point. As gender inequality is a learned
behaviour, programmes specifically in the workplace must
address two areas. Firstly, they must empower women to reach
their full potential and educate men on what gender equality is
and the benefits of embracing it in all spheres of their life.
Do you think that young women entering the workplace
today have more access to opportunities?
Yes, I think many women have paved the way and shown the
next generation of women, specifically in the workplace, that
anything is possible. Whatever dreams young women have, especially professionally, are valid and are achievable through
hard work, having a strong character, being positive with a solid
work ethic. Although the next generation of women has access
to succeed, it is not merely given but must be earned. My advice
is always to apply faith in oneself and believe one’s goals are
Today, is there an area that needs more attention
to protect or empower women, either socially or
Socially, gender-based violence is the root of inequality.
Awareness programmes through the workplace and community
alike should target both men and women. Women must have
the ability to realise when a circumstance no longer serves them
or builds them up, so that they can harness the power that
they inherently have and walk away. An imperative is a women’s
ability to know what they want and then go out
and get it.
Professionally, I think succession planning programmes
focussing on women should be the centre of attention.
Shireen Mahomed
She is the Editorial Secretary at the Law Society of South Africa.
She lives according to Islamic principles and cares about society.
She assists the elderly, children and the needy with no one else
to turn to. She has always been able to stand on her own and
treasures her family bond whilst focusing on her career.
How would you describe gender equality in the
workplace today?
Unfortunately, South Africa has a long way
to go to reach gender equality in the
workplace; the work environment is
still male-dominated, with most
decision-making positions held
by men.
In your opinion, is there
a difference between
empowerment, equity
and gender equality?
In my opinion, yes,
there is a difference
between the three.
provides sufficient
support to enable a
sense of authority
within another
individual’s scope.
Equity relates to
fair treatment,
equal access and
opportunity for all, as well as impartiality. Gender equality represents nondiscriminatory
roles within society as a whole. While all of these strive toward
one objective, which is to decrease or eliminate any biases or
discrimination against one or more groups of people, the focus or
process to achieve this differs vastly.
Do you think that young women entering the workplace
today have more access to opportunities?
Young women still have to work twice as hard as their male
counterparts to succeed in the workplace.
Today is there an area that needs more attention to protect
or empower women, either socially or professionally.
There is a definite need to break the domination of men in the
workplace, wherever men believe they have the right to determine
how successful women will be in a working environment. I think
the evil of sexual exploitation by men against women is under reported.
Stephne Pieterse
Hailing from Pretoria she is the Marketing Officer at the Law
Society of South Africa. After completing her matric, she studied
graphic design, web development and project management.
As in most cases, where one’s career is born from opportunity,
Stephne’s opportunity steered her towards an online e-learning
platform for Legal Education, specifically in developing the training
How would you describe gender equality in the workplace
Gender equality in the workplace is when employees have free
access to the same rewards, resources and opportunities.
These equate to equal pay, benefits and career advancement
opportunities for all. In your opinion, is there a difference between
empowerment, equity and gender equality?
No, I see them as a collective; they improve and encourage
a woman’s decision-making power, self-worth and access
to resources and opportunities. The ripple effect empowers
women to take control and enjoy power inside and outside the
home, thus make change happen.
Do you think that young women entering the workplace
today have more access to opportunities?
Today is there an area that needs more attention
to protect or empower women, either socially or
Women need more protection from the cycle of poverty, which
government and society must break. As community caretakers,
women demonstrate that they can be the political and
economic power to evoke change. Importantly, women must be
encouraged to invest in education to strengthen our economy.
Yolanda du Plessis
She holds the position of Marketing and Finance Director at
Authentic Rating Solutions, a SANAS accredited B-BBEE
Agency. Besides being a woman with a solid career, Yolanda’s
pride is her son. She is married to a man who empowers her to
succeed. From humble beginnings with a solid family structure,
providing a good education for Yolanda and her siblings was a
non-negotiable for her parents. From an early age, success and
financial independence became her goal.
Her career path has had many exciting and sometimes
surprising opportunities with bumps in the road. However, to
overcome the challenges along the way, she had to put her
head down and roll with the punches. Working in a male dominated industry, she was inspired by both men and women in senior positions. Lessons she still takes forward are respect
and fairness for all ,as well as the confidence each instilled in
her. In Yolanda’s words “Perhaps I am lucky to have worked with
men who were empowered enough to see the value in all their
employees irrespective of gender”.
In the last decade, she has worked in the B-BBEE space and at
no time did she feel ‘less than’ due to being a woman. However,
she acknowledges she is in this position because of the women
in South Africa’s history who paved the way for all women. She
is thankful to them as their strides mean she can contribute to
her family’s income and secure the future of her child. Yolanda
is passionate about positively impacting the development of the
people she leads. She acknowledges “As a woman leading an
organisation, I am committed to continuing the path created by
other women. Essentially my goal is to inspire those working with
me to thrive and meet their full potential”.
How would you describe gender equality in
the workplace today?
South African businesses have come a long way in successfully
implementing gender equality in the workplace. It is refreshing
to see women in executive positions and taking up positions in
senior roles in traditionally male-dominated industries.
In your opinion, is there a difference between
empowerment, equity and gender equality?
Empowerment is an opportunity offered for growth, development
and upskilling. The core of empowerment is supporting equal
opportunity, thus ensuring fairness and impartiality for all.
Essentially, gender equality comes into play when the same
opportunities become available to both women and men.
However, one area that hampers equal opportunity is when a
candidate applying for a position indicates they are a man or a
woman, as, if such a position was previously male-dominated,
employers could be influenced on that basis.
Do you think that young women entering
the workplace today have more access to
I believe that young women have much better access to
opportunities than 30 to 50 years ago. Equal education
opportunities have enabled women to attain the relevant skills to
participate in every workplace rightfully.
Legislation has created awareness about gender equality to the
extent that it has forced businesses to consider and embrace it.
Essentially pieces of legislation have created opportunities and
addressed many historic shortfalls.
Today, is there an area that needs more attention to protect or
empower women, either socially or professionally?
I have always viewed South African women as extremely hard working, dedicated and nurturing. They work hard to provide for
their families A large portion of women are single mothers, with statistics of
around 42% of children who live only with their mother, which
puts a huge financial responsibility on them. Another social
matter that has an enormous impact on women in South Africa
is gender-based violence. Victims of gender-based violence
are most likely to be prohibited from being able to pursue
opportunities for development and empowerment, which must be
adequately addressed to protect future generations of women.
“In theory, in South Africa, no
legislation stops women from
gaining an education, buying, selling
or inheriting property, marrying or
divorcing; it is all done on equal