BEESmart Lite
More Control - Most accurate way to calculate your B-BBEE Scorecards.
Peace of Mind - Do away with manual calculation errors.
The BEESmart Lite scorecard calculator provides you with all the features that you need to effectively manage your B-BBEE scorecard, from easily updating and modifying your company’s information to calculating your scores and printing off reports.
Easy to use system which gives you results with no delay.
- Immediate access to the software.
- No set up needed
- Instant Score calculation
- High level data input
- Comprehensive data input – same as verification agency spreadsheets
- Graphs, summaries and analysis tables
- Cloud based – easy upgrade to BEESmart
- Automatic Code updates
- Daily in person online training
- E-mail support
- Number of users (1)
- Number of scorecards (2)
Please confirm BEFORE purchasing this product that you meet the following requirements:
The BEESmart Lite calculator is only suitable for companies that need to be rated:
- Under the Generic Scorecard (R 50 million + annual Turnover)
- Need to be measured under the the General Codes Scorecard (Code of Good Practice)
- or & General Specialised Codes Scorecard (Code of Good Practice)