Clause 2.4.2 of Statement 400 of the Amended General B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice allocates Bonus Points for creating one or more jobs as a direct result of a Supplier Development or Enterprise Development intervention.
The necessary evidence varies between B-BBEE Rating Agencies. Generally, however, a letter confirming job creation from the Beneficiary will serve as such evidence or a Signed Employee contract. The letter of confirmation must affirm that the intervention created at least one new job. Some confirmations may include being administered by a Commissioner of Oaths. This must be undertaken by the Beneficiary and must include (not limited to):
An organisation’s full name, physical address, postal address, and registration number;
A Beneficiary’s full company name, physical address, postal address, and registration number;
The Enterprise Development or Supplier Development commenced;
The date of the contribution;
The number of new positions due to the intervention; and
The names of the new employees;
Enterprise & Supplier Development Services are available to assist Members meeting requirements for Job Creation.