Polity | 2 October 2023

The Metro Grounds Housing project in George promises to deliver 631 housing opportunities. 436 will be Breaking New Ground (BNG) top structures while 195 will be serviced sites. This project has a projected budget of R166 644 404.11 with 55% of that budget being spent to date.
This project has so far contributed to job creation in the immediate local area, with 16 local enterprises employed and 172 Expanded Public Work Programme (EPWP) employments. A dedicated enterprise development programme is also being used to not only appoint and utilize local enterprises, but to purposefully develop them.
Formal mentorship and training are provided across several topics including: • Legislative and compliance requirements • Business and finance management • Human resources and labour relationship management • Site management • Tenders and procurement • CIBD registrations and upgrading requirements
MPP Matlhodi Maseko says: “The Metro Grounds Housing project in George delivers both housing opportunities and jobs to the people of George. This exciting housing project hopes to inject dignity into the lives of the beneficiaries, while boosting money into the local economy by contracting local businesses for the development of this project.
A dedicated enterprise development program has been implemented, which doesn’t just hire local businesses, but helps them to grow and develop new skills.
The completion of the Metro Ground Housing project is expected for June 2024.”
‘Disclaimer - The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the BEE CHAMBER’.