‘Substance’ over ‘Legal Form’ is a crucial B-BBEE Verification
principle that separates the reality of a transaction and its true
intent from its economic impact. While ‘Legal Form’ is central
to the faithful representation and reliability of evidence at a
B-BBEE Verification, it can fly in the face of real and meaningful
transformation. ‘Substance’ may not necessarily meet the
paper-driven ‘Legal Form’ requirements at the other end
of the spectrum.
The disparity between ‘Substance’ and ‘Legal Form’ reveals
itself across all elements of the B-BBEE Scorecard. Sustainable
initiatives are critical to a successful B-BBEE Strategy; hence
organisations should avoid the once-off initiatives that look
good on paper. Essentially, the focus must be on extracting
‘Substance’, away from the ‘paper’ driven ‘Legal Form’, that
will benefit ‘Black’ People and yield a tangible return on
investment for organisations.
The concept of ‘paper’ driven ‘Legal Form’ refers to a B-BBEE
Strategy that crafts, then tracks, initiatives that focus on the
results of a B-BBEE Verification. Yet, when the results are
analysed, there is no meaningful impact other than the points on a
B-BBEE Scorecard.
Let’s investigate how the legislation views ‘Substance’ over ‘Legal
Form’ as an essential principle upon which a B-BBEE Rating
Agency centres its B-BBEE Verification process.
Clause 2.1 under Statement 000 of the Generic Codes of
Good Practice (The Codes) refers: The fundamental principle
for measuring B-BBEE compliance is that ‘Substance’ takes
precedence over ‘Legal Form’.
> The 2008 Verification Manual, although not currently
amended, refers to a B-BBEE Verification as: … processes
and activities conducted by a B-BBEE Rating Agency to
assess, verify and validate that the score awarded to an
organisation is a result of individual scorecard elements
supplied. It includes the evaluation of all transactions to
provide an indicative B-BBEE score and certification based on
the principles of The Codes.
Organisations should consider the concept of ‘Substance’
over ‘Legal Form’ when developing or evaluating their B-BBEE
Strategy as follows:
> Measuring and reporting results must showcase the economic
reality of an initiative rather than the ‘Legal Form’.
> The ‘Substance’ that takes precedence over the ‘Legal Form’
principle is tiered in its approach to evaluating compliance.
Firstly, it measures ‘Legal Form’ against the B-BBEE Act, The
Codes, the 2008 Verification Manual and peripheral legislation.
Upon meeting the ‘Legal Form’ criteria through the evidence
and then checking against ‘Substance’, a B-BBEE Rating
Agency will consider an initiative as tested.
If the evidence does not support a claim of ‘Substance’ or ‘Legal
Form’, a B-BBEE Rating Agency will not allow the claim, thus
will allocate no points. Each element of the B-BBEE Scorecard
necessitates evidence that within itself will illustrate the principle of
‘Substance’ over ‘Legal Form’.
Ownership Priority Element
More often than not, upon examination, there is a disconnect between the ‘Substance’ and ‘Legal Form’ of the Ownership Scorecard.
If a ‘Black’ Shareholder does not receive the benefits of Voting Rights, Economic Interest and Net Value, a B-BBEE Rating Agency will
not recognise the points. For example, ABC Traders has an individual shareholder with a 30% shareholding, a ‘Black’ Person as defined.
ABC Traders presents all the documentary evidence, such as the share certificates, share register and shareholder’s agreement, thus
presenting all necessary evidence.
However, during the B-BBEE Verification, the B-BBEE Rating Agency interviews ABC Traders’ ‘Black’ Shareholder. During the interview,
it is apparent that the shareholder was not aware of, and has never exercised, any Voting Rights. Furthermore, the Shareholder was
unaware of the Economic Interest due.
In this instance, it is clear there was no ‘Substance’ to the transaction; consequently, ABC Traders did not receive Ownership points for
Voting Rights or Economic Interest.
Evidence to substantiate ‘Substance’ over ‘Legal Form’ - non-exhaustive.
Share Registers An inspection of Share Registers to allocate the latest Shareholding of an organisation.
Share Certificates Inspection of Share Certificates to confirm the latest Shareholding of an organisation.
Shareholders or
Members Agreement
Trace the exercisable Voting Rights and Economic Interest in the hands of ‘Black’ People and ‘Black’ Women
against the shareholder or member agreement.
Declaration of the
outstanding acquisition
debt balance.
> Is ‘Black’ Shareholding structured as a debt? If so, how is the debt funded, for example, through the
organisation or via a third party?
> How long will it take for a ‘Black’ Shareholder to repay any debt obligation?
Interviews At a B-BBEE Verification, interviews with a sample of ‘Black’ Shareholders will determine whether they:
> Understand what their Voting Rights are;
> Independently exercised their Voting Rights; and
> Received their entitlement to Economic Interest
Management Control
In this element, the disconnect between real ‘Substance’ and ‘Legal Form’ occurs when employees are classified at a particular occupational
level on an organogram with an accompanying grading level, on paper only.
ABC Traders has a deficit of ‘Black’ Management and has no capacity to employ more people in this category. To meet their Employment
Equity and Management Control targets, they promote a ‘Black’ Employee from a Creditors Clerk to Financial Manager, in title only, reflecting
on the organogram. The employee remains on the same salary, does the same work, has the same responsibilities and reports to the same
manager as before.
At the time of ABC Traders’ B-BBEE Verification, analysis reveals the shortfall in the ‘Black’ Employee’s salary band, job scope and
responsibilities, which vastly differ from his non-’Black’ counterpart.
The findings were that there was no ‘Substance’ to the position held by the ‘Black’ Employee. Thus, ABC Traders received no points for the
transaction under ‘Black’ Management for that employee claim.
Evidence to substantiate ‘Substance’ over ‘Legal Form’ - non-exhaustive.
EEA2 & EEA4 Reports Agree on the total number of employees and positions as per the payroll.
COR39 Ensure that all Director information on the registration forms corresponds correctly and aligns with the evidence
an organisation presents.
Employee list and
Confirm the responsibilities, accountabilities and rewards of ‘Black’ Directors and Managers, including all non-
'Black' people at the same occupational level.
Minutes of Board
Ensure the minutes of Board Meetings record and correspond with the people and occupational level of those
responsible for strategic decisions.
Interviews At a B-BBEE Verification, interviews with a sample of ‘Black’ Employees at all occupational levels will determine
that information presented is sound.
Skills Development Priority Element
The disconnect between ‘Substance’ and ‘Legal Form’ for Skills Development is about the benefit of the skill vs the skills intervention.
For example, ABC Traders had a unique Skills Development opportunity to provide a ‘Black’ Apprentice with a meaningful 12-month skills
intervention with its European counterpart. The skill, due to the training, would positively impact the career of the apprentice and allow ABC
Traders to expand its business operation.
At the time of ABC Traders’ B-BBEE Verification, the evidence did not support that the training provider was SAQA registered. The result was
that the skills intervention did not qualify as a claim.
In this case, there was a ‘Substance’ that did not meet the ‘Legal Form’; thus, ABC Traders could not claim this skills intervention as a contribution.
Evidence to substantiate ‘Substance’ over ‘Legal Form’ - non-exhaustive.
Categorisation of Training
A sample of descriptions of training intervention spend for each category according to the Learning
Programme Matrix to confirm the viability of each claim.
Learnership, Internship or
Apprenticeship (LIA) Programmes
Samples of LIA Agreements are necessary to evaluate the overall progress.
Proof of Attendance Samples of attendance registers to confirm attendance of Beneficiaries. The exact process verifies
internal and external training interventions.
Proof of cost incurred A sample of invoices confirming Skills Development spend.
Interviews At a B-BBEE Verification, interviews with a sample of ‘Black’ Beneficiaries will determine that sufficient
claims for 'Black' People were prorated against non-'Black' Skills Development spend for each
intervention for all training.
Enterprise & Supplier Development Priority Element
Vital to the desired Enterprise & Supplier Development outcome of B-BBEE is developing small businesses. However, the approach to
Enterprise Development or Supplier Development interventions is such that, more often than not, it leaves the Beneficiaries worse off
than before the intervention.
For example, ABC Traders enters into an Enterprise Development contract with Company A. They decide to contribute an interest-free
loan. However, following a change of heart, they choose to pay a training provider to upskill the Administration Department at Company
A, although the department runs smoothly.
The ‘Legal Form’ allows for ABC Traders to outsource their Enterprise Development contribution. Yet, there is no ‘Substance’ to the
assistance as the administration department runs adequately. For example, ‘Substance’ would have been an interest-free loan for the
same amount, which would have enabled Company A to invest in equipment to improve their service offering.
Evidence to substantiate ‘Substance’ over ‘Legal Form’ - non-exhaustive.
List of active Suppliers Obtain a schedule of all B-BBEE suppliers that form part of an organisation’s Preferential
Procurement Spend and the total spend with all other suppliers. B-BBEE recognition status and
proof thereof is necessary.
Enterprise Development
and Supplier Development
Inspect all Enterprise Development and Supplier Development Agreements to ensure they comply
with the criteria stated under Statement 400. Ensure evidence exists that Enterprise Development
or Supplier Development contributions have been initiated and implemented within the relevant
financial period.
Evidence of contribution Evidence that the contribution has been made, for example, a proof of payment.
Socio-Economic Development
The desired outcome of Socio-Economic Development is to create income-generating activities for ‘Black’ People. However, an
organisation’s approach to ‘Legal Form’ more often than not leaves Beneficiaries worse off following the intervention.
For example, ABC Traders agrees to provide food parcels to a non-profit organisation whereby the benefit of the contribution will reach
100% ‘Black’ People. An initiative such as this would qualify as Corporate Social Investment or Corporate Social Responsibility and does
not meet the ‘Substance’ required for Socio-Economic Development which necessitates income-generating activities.
Evidence to substantiate ‘Substance’ over ‘Legal Form’ - non-exhaustive.
Agreement or
Acknowledgement of Receipt
> Inspect all of the Socio-Economic Development Agreements; and
> Confirm that all activities comply with the criteria stated under Statement 500.
Confirmation of percentage
‘Black’ People as Beneficiaries
Ensure that sufficient and appropriate evidence exists to support that at least 75% of the value of
the Socio-Economic Development contributions directly benefit ‘Black’ People.
Proof of Cost incurred Evidence must indicate that the cost was incurred, for example, in the form of a proof of payment.
Thus, when organisations take their B-BBEE Strategy into 2022 and beyond, each should bear in mind that paper-driven ‘Legal Form’ is,
more often than not, more straightforward to administer than ‘Substance’. However, the ‘Substance’ yields meaningful and sustainable
transformation, which is precisely what will produce a return on investment for all and have an impact on the livelihood of ‘Black’ People.