DO YOU KNOW YOUR ABC’S? namely Anti -Bribery & Corruption
namely Anti -Bribery & Corruption
By: Stella Nolan
It is often seen as a victimless crime
for those engaging in bribery and
corruption. However, in reality, it
reduces efficiency and increases
inequality. The truth is that the
cost of corruption is colossal, with
tangible consequences.
According to the World Bank,
the corrupt pay more than
$1 trillion in bribes annually.
The World Economic Forum estimates that the cost of corruption
equates to more than 5% of global GDP, or $2.6 trillion.
Essentially, corruption is one of the core obstacles to sustainable
economic, political and social development in emerging and
developed economies alike.
To clarify, ‘corruption’ is any illegitimate use of office and includes
crimes like nepotism or cronyism and misdirecting funds. ‘Bribery’
is limited to the giving or acceptance of payment for leverage.
South Africa has international commitments and obligations to
curb the scourge of corruption. Furthermore, the Constitution
mandates compliance with international law and requires the
country to comply with its international obligations. South Africa
has ratified several international conventions and treaties and
participates in forums that need the government to implement
measures to prevent and combat corrupt activities, like:
> The United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC),
which promotes the prevention and criminalisation of corruption.
It highlights the need for international cooperation in the fight
against corruption and the return of assets associated with
corrupt activities.
> The African Union’s Convention on Preventing and Combating
> The SADC Protocol Against Corruption.
> The Financial Action Task Force (FATF).
> The Group of 20 (G20) Anti-Corruption Working Group, where
South Africa participates, thus provides an accountability report.
> United Nations Convention Against Corruption (2003).
> The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s
Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in
International Business Transactions (1997),
> The United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised
Crime (2000) and its associated protocols.
What is clear is that South Africa is internationally committed
to preventing and combating corruption and has a legislative
framework that paves the way. Each convention and treaty ratified
by South Africa compels action to prevent and combat corruption.
The National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS) is
the driving force overseeing compliance in the public and private
sectors. Other significant local anti-corruption laws include the
Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act
(12 of 2004), The Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998
and the Financial Intelligence Centre Act (38 of 2001).
Many organisations address corruption by implementing remedial
measures and controls to identify it. However, without public
and private intervention, the scourge of bribery, extortion and/
or bribe solicitation will continue with impunity. The OECD
Recommendations, The Public Services Act, The Companies
Act and the NACS all address the preventing and combating of
corruption in public and private sectors.
OECD Recommendations
In 2010 there was a positive step forward in the fight against
corruption when the OECD Recommendations on Combating Bribery,
Bribe Solicitation and Extortion (2011) were introduced
in terms of regulation 43 of the South African Companies Act
(71 of 2008) as amended. Hence, South African organisations are
obliged to:
> not pay or demand bribes;
> have an anti-bribery policy;
> develop internal processes and controls to mitigate the
bribery risk;
> keep fair and accurate books and records;
> perform an anti-bribery risk assessment to identify the
risks of bribery;
> perform due diligence on agents, intermediaries and
consultants to ensure that they do not pay bribes on behalf of
an organisation;
> educate employees and agents on anti-bribery processes;
> publicise their anti-bribery initiatives; and
> avoid unlawful political contributions.
To adhere to the OECD Recommendations, organisations
across all sectors must implement robust anti-bribery and
corruption programmes. The recommendations’ core objective
is to neutralise people’s ability to pay bribes in the private sector.
The ripple effect would halt public sector corruption, as those
in the private sector invariably pay bribes. Organisations should
regard the OECD Recommendations as a normal business
practice. They amount to good corporate governance and
commitment to doing ethical business and mitigating the risks
associated with bribery.
Public Sector Legislation
The amendment of the Public Service Act (Act 103 of 1994)
and the Public Service Regulations aim to protect procurement
processes and send a strong message to the ruthless breed
of capitalists intent on keeping corruption thriving. The
amendments include:
> Prohibiting public officials from undertaking other
remunerative work outside their employment. Public
officials performing other remunerative work outside their
employment should seek permission from senior officials.
When participating in additional work and receiving
remuneration, they must obtain a Certificate of Approval,
which must be attached to the public service employee’s
Financial Disclosure Form, allowing for easy verification;
> Prohibiting public officials from conducting business with
any organ of state, whether in their capacity as individuals
or through companies in which they are directors;
> Prohibiting public officials from accepting gifts from any
employee or person in return for performing their duties;
> Compelling designated public officials to disclose their
financial interests, which is essential in managing any
conflict of interest; and
> Establishing an ethics infrastructure, such as ethics
committees, ethics officers or ethics champions in
public organisations.
The Companies Act
Any South African organisation falling under the jurisdiction of
the Companies Act must adopt the OECD Recommendations.
Those falling within the ambit include:
> State-owned enterprises;
> All listed public entities;
> In two of the previous five years, any other company that
scored more than 500 points relevant to regulation 26(2).
Regulation 43 of the Companies Act mandates that an
organisation establishes a social and ethics committee. Among
many duties in promoting sound corporate citizenship and
ethics, the responsibilities include reducing corruption and
ensuring the organisation adopts and implements the OECD
A summary of the duties of the nominated social and ethics
committee, based on the OECD Recommendations on
combating bribery, bribe solicitation and extortion, is:
> Monitoring an organisation’s activities against relevant legislation,
legal requirements, or prevailing codes of best practice in
social and economic development matters. It includes an
organisation’s standing in terms of its goals and includes:
o the tenth principle set out in the United Nations’ Global
Compact, which stipulates that organisations should
work against corruption in all its forms, including
extortion and bribery5
o the OECD Recommendations regarding corruption;
o the Employment Equity Act; and
o the B-BBEE Act.
> Ensuring good corporate citizenship by promoting equality,
preventing unfair discrimination and reducing corruption;
> Contributing to the developing communities in areas where
an organisation operates or where it markets products
or services;
> Maintaining a record of sponsorship, donations and
charitable giving;
> Overseeing issues relating to the environment, health and
public safety, as well as the impact of an organisation’s
activities, products or services;
> Ensuring that an organisation's advertising and public
relations align with consumer protection laws;
> Addressing labour and employment issues:
o Evaluating the organisation’s standing in terms of the
International Labour Organization Protocol on decent
work and working conditions;
o Appraising an organisation’s employment relationship
and contributions with regard to the educational
development of its employees;
o Drawing matters within its mandate to the board’s
attention, as the occasion requires; and
o Reporting to shareholders at the organisation’s annual
general meeting on the matters within its mandate.
National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2020-2030
The South African Government developed and published the
NACS, a strategic framework and action plan for the country
which seeks to create a society that
> Reinforces the government’s administrative and procurement
processes to ensure greater monitoring, accountability
and transparency.
> Educates the public about what constitutes corruption, thus
empowering them to respond when or where necessary.
> Encourages support and protection of the public and
whistleblowers who report corruption.
> Holds public officials accountable for providing
inadequate services.
> Creates a culture of zero tolerance toward corruption
in any sector by holding those involved in corrupt
activities accountable.
> Holds organisations and civil society accountable for bribery
and corruption.
The premise of the NACS principle is the emphasis on preventing
corruption through good governance, transparency, integrity and
accountability. An integrated approach to fighting corruption will
help mitigate the risk of costly commissions of inquiry, forensic
investigations and other legal processes.
The government built the strategy on the following six pillars:
1 Promote and encourage active citizenry, whistleblowing,
integrity and transparency in all spheres of society.
2 Enhance employee professionalism to optimise their
contribution towards creating corruption-free workplaces.
3 Enhance governance, oversight and accountability in
organisations across all sectors.
4 Improve the integrity, transparency and credibility of the
public procurement system.
5 Strengthen dedicated anti-corruption agencies to resource
and coordinate transnational cooperation, performance,
accountability and independence.
6 Protect vulnerable sectors most prone to corruption and
unethical practices with effective risk management3
Prevention and Combating of
Corrupt Activities Act
This legislation applies to organisations based in South Africa,
including international ones conducting business in the country.
Facilitation payments have always been illegal in South Africa.
In terms of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities
Act (12 of 2004), it is a criminal offence to provide any form of
‘gratification’ to an official if it is not lawfully due. The Act regulates
bribery as: “any person who directly or indirectly gives or accepts
or agrees or offers to give or accept any gratification from another
person to act personally or influence another person to act in a
manner that amounts to an illegal, dishonest, or unauthorised
action or an abuse of authority, a breach of trust or a violation of
a legal duty, is guilty of the act of corruption.” In addition to the
general offence of corruption, the Act sets out an entire series
of corrupt activities, including the bribery of public and foreign
government officials. It addresses corruption related to, among
others, tenders, contracts, agents, members of the legislature
and judiciary, sporting events and games of chance. On a
global front, the Act imposes lengthy periods of imprisonment
on individual offenders convicted of corrupt activities. The
mandatory minimum sentence for corruption in the South African
sentencing guidelines is direct imprisonment for 15 years.
The Prevention of Organised Crime
Act 121 of 1998
The main objective of this legislation is to provide for the recovery
of the proceeds from unlawful activities. The High Court has
jurisdiction to make a forfeiture order as per section 50(1)(b)
of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998, in respect
of property situated outside the territory of South Africa and
belonging to persons who are presently resident elsewhere.
An order can be made upon reasonable grounds to believe the
property concerned is an ‘instrumentality of an offence’ referred
to in Schedule 0 (s 38(2)(a)) or is the ‘proceeds of unlawful
activities’ (s 38(2)(b)).
The definitions of the terms ‘instrumentality of an offence’
and ‘proceeds of unlawful acitivies’ feature prominently in the
Act. The former relates to any property concerned with the
commission of an offence, irrespective of where it occurred. The
latter applies to any form of property of direct or indirect benefit
from any unlawful activity.
The legislation aims:
> to combat organised crime, money laundering and criminal
gang activities;
> to prohibit certain activities relating to racketeering activities;
> to provide for the prohibition of money laundering and for an
obligation to report certain information; to criminalise certain
activities associated with gangs;
> to provide for the recovery of the proceeds of
unlawful activity;
> to ensure the civil forfeiture of criminal assets that the
corrupt used to commit an offence or assets that are the
proceeds of illegal activity;
> to provide for the establishment of a Criminal Assets
Recovery Account;
> to amend the Drugs and Drug Trafficking Act, 1992;
> to amend the International Co-operation in Criminal Matters
Act, 1996;
> to repeal the Proceeds of Crime Act, 1996; and
> to incorporate the provisions contained in the Proceeds of
Crime Act, 1996.
The Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act and
the Prevention of Organised Crime Act are a strong foundation
for addressing corruption, an acceptable overall anti-corruption
legal framework, an independent judiciary, a robust media and
an active, battle-hardened civil society. Essentially these are
the critical ingredients for a relatively corruption-free society, yet
corruption is burgeoning.
Notwithstanding, it is well documented that the decade leading
up to the Zondo Commission of Inquiry robbed taxpayers
of billions of Rands, creating a catastrophic loss to the GDP.
Prodigious looting and money laundering would not have
been possible without the connivance of government officials
or global and national financial institutions, auditors and
management consultants. All of these profited, hid and spent
stolen funds otherwise destined for essential South African
public spending. The result is the depletion of public finances
and infrastructure6
But where did the billions go? Today, the corrupt use a global
web of anonymous companies, trusts and other legal entities
across multiple jurisdictions to transfer and hide illicitly sourced
funds. Perpetrators launder their illicit money, making the
funds available to fund lavish lifestyles. However, a darker side
is that the corrupt launder money to finance crime syndicates
or terrorism.
The definition of money laundering is the criminal practice of
making funds from illegal activities appear legitimate. Although
money laundering is a diverse and often complex process,
it generally involves three stages: placement, layering, and/
or integration of the funds. The method of money laundering
is not a lone one, but one that consists of a chain of people
or organisations. As the global fight to eradicate corruption
continues, mandated checks endeavour to uncover the source
of the previously untraceable funds. Another factor is that
the number of people involved in the money laundering chain
substantially increases the risk for all corrupt parties involved.
The core to fighting the corrupt is a regulator that has the
stomach to implement the full force of the law, both globally and
within the South African borders.
The global fight to combat corruption
As many organisations and individuals fly under the radar of
culpability inside South African borders, the global playing field
of accountability for corruption has changed drastically in the
last few years.
For some time, anti-corruption campaigners and activists have
urged South African authorities to consider adopting legislation
similar to the United Kingdom Bribery Act (UKBA) that came
into effect in July 2014. Through its innovation, a new corporate
offence, “the failure by a commercial organisation to prevent
bribery,” has been compelling organisations associated with the
United Kingdom (UK) to take robust anti-corruption measures.
"To clarify, ‘corruption’ is any illegitimate use of
office and includes crimes like nepotism
or cronyism and misdirecting funds.
‘Bribery’ is limited to the giving or
acceptance of payment for leverage."
The UKBA is similar to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), a
United States (US) statute containing anti-bribery prohibitions and
accounting requirements. Like US legislation, the UKBA provides
extra-territorial jurisdiction to the UK regulators regarding acts of
corruption committed by organisations associated with the UK.
It is irrelevant whether the Act of corruption occurs in the UK or
elsewhere, or where the organisation in question is registered or
located globally. Unique to the UKBA is that it applies to both the
public and private sectors and criminalises facilitation payments.
The legislation is not only aggressive, but it has more far-reaching
consequences for South African organisations, as it gives the
Serious Fraud Office the power to impose fines for failing to prevent
The US remains the most robust global enforcer of corruption
violations. A critical factor for South African organisations is that the
US Department of Justice adopts a comprehensive approach to
jurisdiction and has cautioned that it will find jurisdiction regarding
bribes paid to foreign government officials. It does so if payments
route through US dollar accounts or e-mails, where transmission
happens through US-based servers. Accordingly, South African
organisations that may not ordinarily regard themselves as subject
to the international regulators may inadvertently become subject
to their extra-territorial jurisdictional reach. For example, if an
employee in a subsidiary in South Africa pays a bribe to a foreign
government official, a prosecution could occur there. However, the
perpetrators could face prosecution in the US as well. It is only a
question of time before the South African government implements
drastic measures against corruption, similar to those of the UK
and US. Therefore, as part of being a good corporate citizen,
South African organisations should initiate robust anti-corruption
programmes to comply with and avoid prosecution by international
regulators and, of course, conform with the South African
Companies Act.
In today’s global and local anti-corruption compliance
environment, it would be reckless for any board of any
organisation not to pay serious attention to creating an
anti-bribery culture. Non-compliance with anti-corruption
requirements has far-reaching consequences and is a risk that
organisations must appropriately manage.
Despite South Africa being a signatory to international
conventions and treaties, as well as having robust legislation
in place, it has not fared well in the Transparency International
Corruption Index. In 2015 it ranked 61st out of 167
participating countries, and in 2021 ranked 70th out
of 180 participating countries.
Food for thought, the cost of corruption far exceeds that of
mitigating it.
Content vetted by:
Mohamed Randera,
Member of the Editorial Committee of De Rebus, the attorneys’ journal, published by
the Law Society of South Africa.
Source of reference:
3. strategy-2020-2030.pdf
7. line?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7c7Lo_Kr-AIVGLLtCh2f4whREAAYAyAAEgKBzPD_Bw