Human Capital
Employment Equity
By: Nicky Bezuidenhout
Nicky Bezuidenhout is the Marketing Manager at eDeaf. Her journey
began 17 years ago while living in the United Kingdom, where she
met a Deaf woman and her husband. Her fascination with their
silent communication encouraged her to interact in a new sphere
of communication, as she had never engaged with a Deaf person
before. Over time she taught Nicky how to use basic Sign
Language. She taught her how to sign the days of the week,
months of the year, family members, including of course the
obligatory profanities. However, her enthusiasm waned, and she
kindly suggested that Nicky take a part-time Sign Language
course. With her new-found passion for Sign Language, she
enrolled in a course. Little did she know that this would be the
beginning of a journey that continues today.
Following three years of mastering British Sign Language,
Nicky qualified as a communication support worker. In 2013,
she returned to South Africa. As British Sign Language and
South African Sign Language are two different dialects of
Sign Language, she had to go back to basics and adapt her
signing to South African Sign Language. In doing this, she
crossed paths with eDeaf, an organisation specialising
in Skills Development with the core aim of uplifting and
integrating the South African Deaf Community into the
national workforce and DEAFinition. This non-profit
company provides a range of services and funding
opportunities to promote equal access to the
workplace for the Deaf community.
The topic of diversity is as vast and as deep as the ocean. While
small pockets of pristine tranquillity and uninterrupted blue waters
certainly do exist, the contrast is true. Polluted, stagnant waters
expose selfishness and disregard for the ecosystem on which our
survival depends.
While the mighty whales can certainly boast ocean ownership,
one needs to bestow recognition on the enormous amounts of
krill and zoo plankton it takes to sustain them daily!
The South African Deaf Community primarily goes unnoticed
in everyday life, so when organisations strive to meet their
employment equity targets and employ persons with disabilities, it
is no surprise that the Deaf Community is not top of mind.
As the Deaf Community is proudly Deaf and communicates
primarily in South African Sign Language (SASL), the word Deaf
must always be written with a capital ‘D’. The reality is, as proudly
Deaf, the Deaf Community does not view itself as impaired,
broken, or in need of fixing.
Did you know that nearly half a million Deaf people across our
nine provinces communicate in SASL? If you err on the side
of the social model of disability, then this linguistic minority
group has a lot to offer. Sign Language, for those not fluent,
should be viewed like any other language a community uses to
communicate with one another, like Zulu, Afrikaans, French or
German. So, linguistics aside, Deaf people are physically able
in every way, highly dextrous, detailed and not easily distracted.
Potential employers would be hard-pressed to find these innate
skills elsewhere. The South African Human Rights Commission
recognises that persons with disabilities can make up a significant
portion of South Africa’s workforce. However, it is necessary
to identify and remove barriers that prevent them from actively
participating in the national workforce for this to become a reality.
Legislation incentivises participation of
persons with disabilities
The target for South African employers is a 2% representation
of persons with disabilities in their workforce. According to the
Commission for Employment Equity report 2021, South African
employers fall short of this target, evidence of which is the current
1.3% representation in the national workforce.
> Persons with disabilities redefined.
When the Employment Equity Act (EEA) amendments are
published, they will redefine “persons with disabilities” as:
“People who have a long-term or recurring physical, mental,
intellectual or sensory impairment which, in interaction with
various barriers, may substantially limit their prospects of
entry into or advancement in employment”.
The amended definition aligns with the UN Convention on
the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It, therefore, shifts
South Africa from the medical model of defining disability to the social one. The aim is to change the physical,
attitudinal and social environment and communication
methodologies to enable persons with disabilities to
participate in society equally.
> Reasonable Accommodation Framework
The National Strategic Framework on Reasonable
Accommodation for Persons with Disabilities was published
on 15th October 2021 as Gazette #45328. It is designed to:
o Explain the implications of reasonable accommodation
support as a fundamental human right;
o Ensure that the reasonable accommodation approach
supports human rights and inclusive development;
o Safeguard that all public and private sector entities
make provision for reasonable accommodation in
service delivery;
o Allow for and support the development of reasonable
accommodation plans as integral components of
Universal Design Access Plans; and
o Facilitate the implementation of programmes or
reasonable accommodation measures, including the
provision of accessible amenities and assistive devices
to persons with disabilities, enabling them to participate
fully in society.
The strategy focuses on the interpretation, objectives and
application of the framework; reasonable accommodation
within the rights perspective; disclosure of requirements;
financing; monitoring and evaluation; roles and
responsibilities, as well as strengthening the legislative
framework. A full breakdown of this framework features on
page 48.
Understanding the Deaf Community
Core to the successful integration of Deaf employees is an
understanding of the Deaf Community and breaking down myths
and stereotypes. Through years of connecting the Deaf Community
to potential employers, a core component has been the intervention
by DEAFinition Sensitisation Workshops. These can take place
if an organisation is not au fait with the Deaf Community before
employment commences.
The sensitisation intervention highlights the difference between
Deaf and hearing cultures. It explores Deaf history, the culture and
basic SASL guidance to bridge the communication gap between
Deaf and hearing employees. Deaf Cultural Liaisons facilitate the
workshops. Each member is adept at crossing the language divide
and enabling participants to look through the eyes of the Deaf. The
process opens minds to the new dimension Deaf employees can
bring to an organisation’s workforce.
Evidence of a lack of knowledge about the Deaf Community and
its abilities is apparent in the questions posed by specialised
recruiters and organisations, which include “how deaf are they?”
or “can they lipread?” It is precisely these myths and stereotypes
that the workshops address.
DEAFinition has unique insight into the Deaf Community and
its ability to succeed, as it is owned and led by Deaf People.
Thus, the team is a prime example that the communication
gap between the Deaf and their hearing counterparts can be
bridged, as the team interacts daily with their hearing clients
through interpreters and online platforms.
Reasonable accommodation
Unfortunately, many potential employers assume that
reasonable accommodation for employees with disabilities is
costly. However, the reality is that the integration costs for Deaf
employees are minimal with the support of DEAFinition. These
include, but are not limited to:
> Sensitisation workshops that break down the history
and culture of Deaf South Africans for all employees.
> Site visits to determine visual access to critical information,
which could be as simple as optimal use of a notice board.
> Guide disseminating information and communication
during a meeting.
> In line with safety protocols, introduction of mechanisms
that identify Deaf employees. For example, in a
manufacturing environment, reflective jackets with the
‘I am Deaf’ message could be introduced to alert other
employees to communicate face-to-face.
> Advice on who to inform that there is a Deaf person in
your environment.
> Implement a buddy system in case of emergency
> Adding a flashing light to a siren system for emergency
> Access to interpreters for interviews, first-day onboarding,
team-building activities, and any matters related to
grievances or disciplinary hearings. Deaf people must
follow the same procedures as their hearing colleagues
for such issues.
> Ongoing monthly support when appropriate
to the circumstance.
> Support for Human Resources to determine what
‘Deaf issues’ are, as opposed to ‘People issues’.
An example of successfully integrating a Deaf person within a
workforce in a manufacturing environment recently came to light.
Following the employment of a Deaf person, safety concerns
were raised as to that person not being able to hear forklifts that
are common in that environment. Subsequent to discussions,
the solution was to upskill the Deaf employee to become a forklift
driver. The Deaf employee’ s training took place in the usual way,
but with the support of DEAFinition SASL interpreters.
Deaf employees will, through their life experiences, bring
diversity into the workforce. Diversity leads to better decision
making and problem-solving.
A benefit is the new perspective a Deaf Employee brings to
a team, which increases creativity, leads to innovation, faster
problem solving and higher employee engagement. Diversity is
like a hydrothermal vent in the ocean floor that regulates global
ocean chemistry and fuels a rich, productive ecosystem. How
is your ecosystem looking for 2022?