Variety, Diversity & Sustainability Ingrained in our Cultural DNA
Variety, Diversity & Sustainability
Ingrained in our Cultural DNA
Traditionally, integrating ‘People with Disabilities’ into the workplace has largely been done at corporate level. Sectors such as mining and
manufacturing are, as such, ‘conventional’ sectors which have, only in the past decade or so, recognised the necessity of integrating diversity within
their operations. This is largely due to safety and infrastructural challenges, a consequence of a historic deficit in legislative policies, as many mines
and manufacturing sites house their entire operation in one location.
Evolving with the times, many companies within these sectors have recognised the long term, inherent benefits of having a vested interest in
expanding their diversity. This, in essence, means it is paramount that diversity is brought to the forefront of any value proposition and ingrained into
a cultural DNA, to become part and parcel of a brand. When an authentic, inclusive culture is at work, it increases productivity, engagement and all
types of intelligence, which is often not seen in a homogenous workforce.
With a legacy spanning 92 years, the Robor Group is no stranger to
evolution. With roots firmly entrenched in the South African economy,
their commitment to Transformation is evident, as they strive to build
a culture which encourages transparency, variety and long-term
sustainability, as they attract diversity within the Group.
One of the fundamental principles of the Robor Group is safety.
All seven operations house both administrative and manufacturing
functions in one location. The principles of safety apply to all
employees, irrelevant of their job function being office or shop-floor
Integrating ‘People with Disabilities’, within Robor has been achieved
through addressing safety requirements in terms of effective evacuation
plans. When a position opens up that a ‘Person with a Disability’ may
apply for, a full assessment is conducted to evaluate environmental
accessibility. This includes which assistive tools and training would be
necessary to warrant job functionality and performance.
Such an evaluation brought about the successful placement of Pearl
Seakgele, who joined Robor Galvanizers, a fully owned Division of the
Robor Group, in February 2013 in the capacity of Receptionist. During
this time, she has effortlessly embedded herself in the company culture
and eagerly assists with any overflow work.
"Diversity should be at the forefront of any value proposition and ingrained into a
cultural DNA, becoming entrenched in any brand."
“My goal is to educate myself on all aspects of the business. Learning
the inner workings in other departments will expand my intellectual
capital and allow me to prove my potential, providing access to further
career opportunities”, says Pearl.
Describe the journey which ultimately brought you to work at
Robor Galvanizers.
It was 1992, when I was 16 years old, that I suffered a gunshot wound
and became a wheelchair user. Following intense rehabilitation, I
attended night school, thereafter, in 1994 completing my Matric.
Following that, I completed various courses through correspondence.
In 2004, I got my first job as a Receptionist at a company in Isando.
Following seven years of doing the same job, I realised my employer
had no intention of giving me the opportunity to advance my career.
It was communicated, more than once, although they were happy
with my performance, I should appreciate the job at hand. I was taken
aback that due to my impairment; their opinion was that I should have
no career aspirations. This led me to a three year stint in another
company under similar circumstances.
Were there challenges that needed to be addressed when
starting your position at Robor Galvanizers?
The group has gone out of their way to ensure an accessible
environment for me. Initially, they had to modify the reception area
slightly to accommodate my wheelchair. Aside from that, they built two
additional access ramps, one of which to accommodate evacuation
requirements. An additional benefit is a coffee and tea station, which
has been placed in my work area. In fact, a couple of months ago, they
went above and beyond their obligation as an employer, when they
purchased a new wheelchair for me.
How do you travel to and from work?
My husband mainly brings me to and from work. Otherwise I travel in a
lift club with a colleague.
What do you believe are the main challenges facing ‘People with
Disabilities’ gaining work or promotion thereafter?
I think, more often than not, it is an out of sight; out of mind situation
more than callous discrimination. ‘People with Disabilities’, through lack
of awareness, are not top of mind when a job vacancy opens up.
I think what hampers most ‘People with Disabilities’, in both gaining
employment and career advancement, is transportation. I am fortunate,
whereby my husband is available to transport me when and where
necessary. However, there are ‘People with Disabilities’ who do not
have such a support system, coupled with a limited budget, there is
often no other reliable alternative to get to and from work or meetings.
Taxi’s are an option, however, the drivers and other passengers get
extremely frustrated with the amount of time it takes for me to get into
the taxi, taking into account my wheelchair has to be safely stowed.
The Rea Vaya bus service adequately accommodates wheelchair
users; however, their routes are limited.
What is your five year goal?
I am determined to succeed professionally and have a clear plan in
place. When I started at Robor Galvanizers, I decided to give myself
one year to become accustomed my new environment. My immediate
goal is to learn to drive, then obtaining my driving license, which will go
a long way to giving me more independence.
In addition, achieving this will afford me more mobility, whereby I will
not have to rely on anyone for transport. My intention is to attend
night classes to further my studies. I believe that such an investment
in myself, with commitment, will more than equip me to move up the
corporate ladder within the Robor Group.
The Robor Group, over the past nine decades, has built a reputation
on quality products, a customer-centric philosophy and perfecting
service levels. The continued evolution of the Robor Group, as it
approaches its centenary, remains focussed on a Transforming South
Africa. “Embracing and integrating a diverse workforce provides the
Robor Group with an increased and varied pool of candidates, which
ultimately leverages our position in the marketplace. An important factor
in guaranteeing our future success and sustainability, is preparation,
which consequently provides a welcoming and accessible environment,
where everyone is valued as an individual”, asserts Rob Frans, Human
Resource Executive.
For more information
Tel: +27 11 971 1600