What will BE the Legacy of BEE?
What will BE the
Legacy of BEE?
By Eric Ackroyd
With thanks to Yuneal Padayachy
and Sanet Buys for their contribution
to the article.
South Africa’s BEE roll-out has not only challenged businesses to Transform, it has brought about a unique dialect. It incorporates
references and/or phrases such as B-BBEE, HDSAs, Fronting, Tenderpreneur, Sector Charters, EMEs, QSE’s and Priority Elements, to
name but a few, which collectively are recognised as South Africanisms. However, foreign as these may seem, they are part and parcel of
doing business in South Africa today.
The engineers, legislators and implementers of Apartheid believed they were visionary in creating a vastly contrasting society; one
representing privilege and the other abject poverty. However, it is that tunnel vision which has brought about the dire need to equalise that
very disparity which was brought about over a period of 46 years. To conceptualise BEE simply is to recognise that Apartheid was the
symptom and BEE is the remedy.
Following the journey of BEE, understanding how the implementation
of specific Acts led to its birth, and gradual evolution to Broad-Based
Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE), may bring about clarity as to
the foundation of the ever changing and complex BEE Act of 2003 and
the BEE Amendment Act of 2013.
Without realising it, those who engineered Segregation actually laid the
framework for the implementation of the BEE Act of 2003, 90 years
prior to its legislation. The following tracks this journey, beginning with
Acts which led to the segregation of the South African population.
• 1913 - Native (Black) Land Act, 27 of 1913 implemented.
• 1923 - Native (Black) Urban Areas Act, 21 of 1923 implemented.
• 1950 - Group Areas Act, 41 of 1950 implemented.
• 1951 - Separate Representation of Voters Act, 46 of 1951
• 1953 - Bantu Education Act, 47 of 1953 implemented.
• 1953 - Reservation of Separate Amenities Act, 49 of 1953
• 1955 - Congress of the People adopts the Freedom Charter in
The introduction of the Freedom Charter was the beginning of change.
It was a broad statement of core principles, which demanded, and
gave, a commitment to a non-racial South Africa. This charter was
pivotal in the formation of the B-BBEE Act.
The 1990s was the decade of change, as Nelson Mandela was
released on the specific order of F.W. de Klerk. Following the first
democratic elections in 1994, the Reconstruction and Development
Programme (RDP) was implemented. This programme emphasised
the importance of addressing economic inequalities and imbalances,
created through racial discriminatory policies and practices. The RDP
essentially opened the door for the Broad-Based Black Economic
Empowerment Act to be developed.
BEE in its infancy
Between 1994 and 1999, BEE entered its infancy stage. A core
milestone was the implementation of the Constitution of the Republic
of South Africa, 108 of 1996. This provided the legislative framework
which empowered Government to take measures to promote equality.
With this framework firmly in place, legislative policies were introduced,
specifically designed to advance previously disadvantaged people
through procurement.
“The framework for BEE
was laid 90 years prior
to its legislation.”
Section 9 of the Constitution clearly defines Equality as:
”Everyone is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection
and benefit of the law. Equality includes the full and equal enjoyment of
all rights and freedoms.
The state may not unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against
anyone on one or more grounds including race, gender, sex,
pregnancy, marital status, ethnics and social origin, colour, sexual
orientation, age, disability, belief, language and birth. No person
may unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone one or
more grounds in terms of subsection (3). National Legislation must be
enacted to prevent or prohibit unfair discrimination. Discrimination on
one or more of the grounds listed in subsection (3) is unfair unless it is
established that the discrimination is fair.”
The Employment Equity Act, 55, was implemented in 1998. The
core aim was to eliminate unfair discrimination, in conjunction with
promoting fair treatment, equal rights and opportunities to all South
Africans. The subsequent implementation of affirmative action policies
was believed to be the solution to even out imbalances and encourage
equitable employment representation in all occupational categories
within a workforce.
The implementation of the Skills Development Act, 97 of 1998, was
the framework to devise and implement national, sector and workplace
strategies on skills development. The aim of this was to develop and
improve the skills set of the South African workforce. In an effort to
achieve this, learnership programmes were encouraged and levies
became payable by employers to support skills development through
the creation of relevant Sector Education and Training Authority
Following this was the implementation of the Skills Development Levies
Act, 9 of 1999. The Act became the platform to implement Levies
payable by Employers in South Africa to various SETAs, in order to
oversee training.
BEEing a Toddler
From the turn of the century to 2012, BEE grew in momentum. Simple
Black Economic Empowerment evolved to be known as Broad-Based
Black Economic Empowerment. The milestone events and Acts during
this period added momentum to the growth of BEE.
In line with Section 217 (3) of the Constitution, the Preferential
Procurement Policy Framework Act, 5 of 2000, provided a framework
which allowed for the implementation of the procurement policy
contemplated in section 217(2) of the Constitution. This determined
that an organ of the state working within this framework of a points
system, must take both a tenderee’s price and level of transformation
into account when evaluating a tender.
“The BEE Act was engineered to address
wealth disparities in the shortest
timeframe possible.”
In 2003 the Department of Trade & Industry (DTI) released its BEE
Strategy Document. The core aim of this document, scheduled for
re-evaluation in 2014, was to create an adaptive economy
characterised by growth, employment and equity. Aligning to the
Freedom Charter of 1955, the objective was to create an economy
based on the needs of people in a more equitable manner. The desired
roll-on effect of the strategy was to increase the number of Black
people in relation to management control and ownership, with the
ripple effect of reducing income inequalities, boosting land ownership
and productive assets owned by ‘Black’ people.
BEEing of age
In 2004, the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 53
of 2003 was promulgated. This established a legislative framework
for the promotion of Black Economic Empowerment. It empowered
the Minister to issue Codes of Good Practice, publish Transformation
Charters and establish the Black Economic Empowerment Advisory
The B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice set out a balanced scorecard measuring seven elements to evaluate B-BBEE compliance.
Direct Empowerment Human Resource Empowerment Indirect Empowerment
Equity Ownership Employment Equity Preferential Procurement
Management Control Skills Development Enterprise Development
Socio-Economic Development
The B-BBEE Act and resulting B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice –
which followed in 2007 – focussed on empowering ‘Black’ people.
These, in essence, gave the ‘green light’ to sustainable access to
the economy, whilst encouraging sustainable change in the racial
composition of ownership and management structures within
companies. They further addressed the motivation of ‘Black’ people
by enhancing scarce skills, empowering rural and local communities,
hence, opening access to economic activities, land, infrastructure and
“Our future, like our past, is moulded by
legislation. BEE is an effort to rectify the
wrongs of the past.”
December 2005 saw the establishment of the Association of BEE
Verification Agencies (ABVA). Following this, in 2007, the South
African National Accreditation System (SANAS) was appointed as the
regulatory body of the B-BBEE Industry. On 9 February 2007, the
B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice were gazetted, in accordance with
section 9.1 of the BEE Act.
Evolving BEE
On 8 June 2011, Regulations to the Preferential Procurement Policy
Framework Act were gazetted, becoming fully operational on 7
December 2011. These regulations stipulated that when applying the
preferential point system for procuring goods, services or selling off
assets, a tenderee’s Broad-Based Black Empowerment Status Level
must be taken into account.
On 1 December 2011, Treasury issued an implementation guide
relevant to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA)
and Regulations, which became effective on 7 December 2011.
Following its’ implementation, on 9 December 2011, Minister Rob
Davies released the B-BBEE Amendment Bill for public comment
On 27 January 2014, the B-BBEE Amendment Act was gazetted.
This made provision for the establishment of a B-BBEE Commission,
with the mandate of addressing offences and penalties within the
Revised Codes of Good Practice. The Act further provides for issuing
of Practice Notes defining and clarifying specific areas of uncertainty
within the B-BBEE Codes.
Keeping BEE Alive
South Africa has a truly unique history, whereby legislation excluded
the majority of the population, denying basic human rights. Our future,
like our past, is moulded through legislation; in an effort to rectify the
wrongs of the past.
There are many who still dispute the necessity for B-BBEE. However,
it is quite clear that the ripple effect of many being denied an education
and access to the economy, has created a vast disparity of wealth, one
of the largest globally. The BEE Act was engineered to address this
disparity in the shortest timeframe possible; as without it, would there
have been any significant change?
B-BBEE enters a new era in April 2015, with the implementation of the
Revised Codes of Good Practice. Yes, these are more stringent Codes,
ones with dire consequences, however, necessary to address the vast
disparity of wealth and ultimate equalisation.