B-BBEE Credentials Consistency is Key
Enterprise & Supplier Development
B-BBEE Credentials Consistency is Key
Practice Guide 1 of 2018 was issued as a guide, purely to assist organisations with
interpreting and testing the validity of B-BBEE Credentials presented to them. It does not
in any way constitute a legal document or ruling by the B-BBEE Commission. The purpose
of this Practice Guide is to provide consistency as to what is accepted as valid B-BBEE
Only a SANAS accredited B-BBEE Certificate, an Affidavit or a B-BBEE Certificate issued by the ‘Companies
and Intellectual Property Commission’ (CIPC) serve as valid B-BBEE Credentials. An organisation presented with
B-BBEE Credentials may, as part of their due diligence process, request further relevant information or documents to
substantiate the information contained in B-BBEE Credentials submitted.
First and foremost, it is illegal for an organisation to trade with invalid, inconclusive or incorrect B-BBEE Credentials. The consequence of an
organisation accepting invalid B-BBEE Credentials is that the procurement spend with that organisation will not be recognised. It is, therefore
critical to determine the validity of B-BBEE Credentials at the time of engaging with a supplier.
An Affidavit
A sworn written statement of facts voluntarily made by a person,
or deponent, under oath or affirmation administered by a person
authorised to do so by law, is the definition of an Affidavit.
A provision in the Codes allows EMEs and QSEs with more than
51% ‘Black’ Ownership to present an Affidavit to confirm their level
of B-BBEE compliance, ownership and annual turnover. The core
aim of introducing the Affidavit to establish B-BBEE Credentials
was to reduce the cost of compliance and the regulatory burden
for these organisations. A template is available to ensure the
uniformed structure of an Affidavit, which is available for download
on the website of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)1
Therefore, if an EME or QSE that has more than 51% ‘Black’
Ownership presents a SANAS accredited B-BBEE Certificate,
it is invalid, as it must be in the form of an Affidavit. The only
instance where an EME can be verified by a SANAS accredited
verification agency is if it opts to maximise its B-BBEE points to
move to a higher B-BBEE recognition level, by being measured on
a QSE Scorecard.
The only exception to this is the Transport Sector, as the Amended
Transport Sector Code has not been published as yet. Until such
a time as the Amended Transport Sector Code is published,
EMEs representing this sector can choose to obtain a letter from
an accounting officer or be verified and issued with a SANAS
accredited B-BBEE Certificate
The Construction Sector Code provides for EMEs, whose annual
turnover is less than R1.8m for Built Environment Professionals
and less than R3m for Contractors, to have automatic recognition
levels. Those qualifying as such do not need to undergo a
verification process unless they elect to enhance their Status Level.
In such circumstances, an EME must meet the 40% Sub-minimum
requirements for Skills Development and obtain a B-BBEE
Certificate issued by a SANAS accredited verification agency.
Organisations measured on the Financial Services Sector
Code that are more than 51% ‘Black’-owned QSEs may opt to
undergo a verification process by a SANAS accredited verification
professional or agency instead of presenting an Affidavit. However,
for consistent application, EMEs in the Financial Services Sector
need only submit an Affidavit.
Start-ups are categorised as EMEs. This threshold is applied to an
organisation during its first 12-months of incorporation. However, if
a Start-up opts to tender for contracts between R10m and R50m,
they must be verified using the QSE scorecard. In the case of
tenders valued above R50m, a Start-up must be verified using the
Large Enterprise scorecard.
The following pointers are key in determining the validity of
an Affidavit:
> Full name or names of the deponent as it appears in an identity
document, including the identity number.
> The designation of the deponent as a Director, Owner or
Member must be included to indicate that the deponent is duly
authorised to depose an Affidavit on behalf of the organisation.
> Name of the organisation as per the registration documents
issued by the CIPC.
> Full business address.
> Percentage of ‘Black’ Ownership, ‘Black’ Women Ownership
or that of Designated Group must be indicated. In the case of
Specialised Enterprises as per Statement 004, the percentage of
‘Black’ Beneficiaries must reflect.
> Total revenue for the year under review to include whether
the outcome is based on audited financial statements or
management accounts.
> Financial year-end, as per the CIPC registration documents,
which were used to determine the total revenue.
> The Status Level and corresponding Preferential Procurement
Recognition level. Note, an organisation can only have one
Status Level.
> Empowering Supplier status must be indicated. For QSEs,
the deponent must select the basis for the Empowering
Supplier status. Note, the DTI suspended the 2014 criteria for
‘Empowering Supplier’ status until further notice. Therefore,
any organisation with a valid B-BBEE Certificate is considered
an ‘Empowering Supplier’ until otherwise gazetted.
> The date on which the deponent has signed the Affidavit must
coincide with that of the Commissioner of Oaths.
> A Commissioner of Oaths cannot be an employee or ex officio of the
deponent of the Affidavit, as by law a person cannot commission an
Affidavit in which they have an interest.
B-BBEE Certificate issued by the CIPC
To reduce costs for start-ups and EMEs, on 6th May 2015 the DTI
issued Gazette # 38765. This provided a mandate for the CIPC to
issue B-BBEE Certificates that hold the same status as an Affidavit.
Subsequently, the CIPC issued a Customer Notice indicating that
B-BBEE Certificates can be applied for via e-services on the CIPC
website, or at Self Service Terminals when registering or filing Annual
The following conditions apply when an enterprise uses the CIPC to
obtain a valid B-BBEE certificate:
> Only Directors of an organisation or Member of a close corporation
can apply for a B-BBEE Certificate;
> Only organisations and close corporations with a turnover of less than
R10m can apply through the CIPC;
> The status of the company must state ‘In Business’;
> All ‘Annual Return’ filings for the relevant organisation or close
corporation must be up to date;
> Application for a B-BBEE Certificate can be made at any time - not
only when registering an organisation or filing returns. This is,
however, on the provision that an application for a certificate is valid.
> Applicant must agree to the B-BBEE terms and conditions; and
> A Director or Member amendment must be filed if the Director or
Member’s email address or telephone is not correct or up to date2
A CIPC certificate may be submitted to the B-BBEE Commission
for validation that it was generated from the CIPC system3
However, on face value, the following information must appear on
the certificate:
> Name of organisation, registration number and business
> Date of issue and expiry equal to 12 months, for example,
9th June 2019 to 8th June 2020.
> Percentage of total ‘Black’ Ownership, ‘Black’ Woman
Ownership, as well as total ‘White’ Ownership, must reflect.
> The certificate number.
> The barcode with a tracking number, as well as the unique
number allocated to a specific organisation, must appear.
> The Status Level and allocated Preferential Procurement
Recognition level must be displayed.
> The DTI logo must appear on the top left corner.
> The CIPC logo must appear on the top right corner.
> The CIPC watermark must be visible.
Determine the validity of B-BBEE
Credentials at the time of engagement.”
Elements that constitute a valid SANAS
accredited B-BBEE Certificate:
Verification is the process and activities performed by a verification
agency or professional to assess, verify and validate evidence to
determine the overall score awarded to an organisation and to ensure
that it is the true outcome of a verification process. It must reflect
individual scorecard evidence supplied by an organisation.
The process is to evaluate B-BBEE transactions per element over a
specified period to provide an indicative score and certification based
on the Code on which an organisation is qualified to be measured.
A verification process is an assurance that an organisation has
achieved what is reflecting on its B-BBEE Certificate. By issuing a
B-BBEE Certificate, a verification agency or professional
confirms that the information on which the certificate was issued is,
in fact, acceptable, has been independently verified and is
free from misstatements.
Therefore, the role of a verification agency or professional is to
independently assess, verify and validate both disclosed and
undisclosed B-BBEE related information provided by the
organisation at the time of verification. Taking this into account, a
verification should be performed in line with the principles contained
in the B-BBEE Act (The Act) and relevant Code. It confirms that
verification methodologies outlined in the Framework for accreditation
were applied. This includes alignment with the expectations of the
verification manual and the Accreditation of B-BBEE Verification
Agencies document issued by SANAS – otherwise referred to
as the R47-02.
Important to note is that a verification agency or professional may not
provide clarity or opinions on interpretations in any B-BBEE matter.
Any such clarification must be sought from the B-BBEE Commission3
A SANAS accredited B-BBEE Certificate must incorporate the
following non-negotiable information:
> Name and business address of the organisation as per registration
documents issued by the CIPC.
> Value-added Tax number, where applicable.
> The B-BBEE Scorecard against which the certificate was issued.
It must further indicate all elements and scores achieved for each
component. The actual score achieved must be linked to the total
points as per the relevant Code.
> The Status Level of an organisation to include the corresponding
Preferential Procurement Recognition level.
> The relevant Code used to issue the B-BBEE Certificate.
> Date of issue and expiry, for example, 9th June 2019 to
8th June 2020.
> Reference as to whether an organisation was subject to a
re-verification process due to material changes. In this case, a
re-issued Certificate must reflect the initial date of issue and expiry
and include the date of re-issue and expiry. A re-verification does
not extend the lifespan of a B-BBEE Certificate.
> The financial period that was used to issue the B-BBEE Certificate.
> The unique identification number allocated to an accredited
B-BBEE verification agency or professional. This information can
be cross-referenced on the SANAS website4
> The name, logo and/or mark of the B-BBEE verification agency
or professional.
> The full name and signature of the Technical Signatory that signed
off the certificate at the bottom of the certificate. The details of all
authorised technical signatories are available on the SANAS
. Only a Technical Signatory is authorised to sign off a
B-BBEE Certificate.
> The SANAS logo must feature.
Upon being presented with a SANAS accredited B-BBEE Certificate,
the recipient is entitled to request confirmation of its issuance.
Another point of reference is the SANAS website for verifying the
accreditation status, accreditation period and scope of accreditation
relevant to a verification agency or professional. The SANAS
website further provides a list of verification agencies or professionals
whose accreditation status has been withdrawn or suspended.
Any verification agency or professional is unauthorised to issue a
B-BBEE Certificate if their accreditation status has expired, been
revoked or suspended.
Penalties for circumventing The Act
Trading with invalid or fraudulent B-BBEE Credentials may constitute an offence in terms of Section 13O (1) (a) of The Act, which states:
Section 13A of The Act has empowered organs-of-state and public entities to cancel any contract or authorisation awarded on account
of false information knowingly furnished by or on behalf of an organisation in respect of its B-BBEE status.
If an organisation is found to have violated The Act, a fine of up to 10% of an organisation’s annual turnover may be imposed.
Furthermore, individuals involved in any misrepresentation risk imprisonment for up to 10 years.
In terms of section 13O(2), a verification professional, procurement officer or any official of an organ-of-state or public entity who
becomes aware of the commission of, or attempt to commit, any offence referred to under section 13O (1) and fails to report it, is guilty of
an offence.