Amended General B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice
Skills Development
The objective of a bursary is for a recipient to attain a degree. As
I have an inherent passion for Youth development, I find it very
fulfilling when, through my professional role, I am able to match
prospective bursary recipients to bursary sponsors according to
their Economically Active Population (EAP) requirements.The secret
to the success of a bursary recipient and sponsor relationship
is that it must be as seamless as possible. To that end I remove
distractions, such as administration relating to the chosen institution,
for the convenience of the sponsor and recipient.
In a managed setting, the B-BBEE bursary end-to-end process
is fairly straightforward. It can take from six weeks up to several
months to complete, depending on the value of the bursary
and the number of students. It involves specific documentation
and checking student registrations at the Department of Higher
Education and Training institutes throughout South Africa. The
awarding of bursaries takes place on an annual basis.
When a recipient receives a bursary, support is not necessarily
guaranteed to continue the following year, as this will depend
mainly on the student maintaining a good percentage of pass marks, the year of study (under- or post-graduate), as well as
sponsor funding criteria and availability.
Over the past five years, I have managed thousands of bursary
recipient and sponsor relationships. Due to the demanding
aspects of managing these relationships, I often reflect on the
impact a bursary can have on a recipient’s life. I appreciate a
bursary sponsor’s input and commitment when considering
bursary funding and the investment it makes towards the future
employment prospects of a bursary recipient.
To reveal one of the students behind what is referred to as a
‘bursary recipient’ and the organisation referred to as a ‘bursary
sponsor’, I would like to introduce Mikayla Eagles and her bursary
sponsor, Italtile Limited, who have been active members of the
BEE Chamber since 2019. As part of its Skills Development
programme, Italtile awards bursaries annually.
Italtile has been ingrained in the South African economy for
more than five decades. Over this time, Italtile has moved from
importing tiles through its Alberton outlet to being a national
commodity. Over the years, it has embraced the core principles
of a transforming South Africa, as its latest B-BBEE Certificate
showcases a Status Level 2 and 125% Preferential Procurement
Recognition. The Italtile Skills Development bursary scheme is an
investment in people, specifically the Youth.
Twenty-two-year-old Mikayla Eagles is one of Italtile’s bursary
recipients. She was born and raised in Cape Town and is the
middle child with an older brother and younger sister. Her
hardworking parents raised her with a solid value system. Mikayla
enjoys spending time with her friends and family like any young
person. She loves where she lives, as she enjoys spending time
at the ocean and outdoors, allowing her to re-energise and create
a space to think. Sport, specifically competitive swimming, has
played a significant part in her life. It has taught her many lessons
that she applies daily, especially with her studies. Oh yes, she
loves pizza and an occasional dessert.
Mikayla, what led you to apply for a bursary?
In my third year, I applied and received a bursary through the
BEE Chamber, whereby I met the criteria. The bursary allowed
me to focus all my energy on my studies without worrying
about fees. I was relieved that it removed the financial burden
from my parents. What were your most significant challenges
when entering university?
I attended a boarding school, which gave me the tools to be
independent. I had to learn to do things for myself because my
parents were far away. Thus, my independence shaped my
character and personality and gave me the confidence to ‘step up
to the plate’ at university. Although there were character-building
benefits to living away, the transition to university did not come
without challenges. I was not prepared for the increase in my
workload or the expected standard and quality of work. I realised
I did not use the correct study methods, as what worked for me
in high school no longer applied at university. Then there was
navigating the university campus and understanding the lay of the
land, which took time for me to get used to.
As I did not take up university residence, I was allocated a mentor
through a Private Student Organisation, which did not provide me
with adequate support. On reflection, a perfect mentor would have
been a little older than me with experience navigating the university
space. However, the university did offer orientation support to the
new students, which went a long way toward helping me to adjust
and familiarise myself with my new surroundings.
What field of study did you choose and why?
In 2021, I completed a BComm in Industrial Psychology. I am
currently in my fourth year, completing my Honors in Industrial
Psychology. I chose this degree as it combines working with people
and business. I have always enjoyed helping people but never felt
I could be a psychologist. Therefore, choosing to be an Industrial
Psychologist allows me the best of both worlds, as I will work and
help people in a business environment.
I look forward to joining a well-established company
where I can learn and grow through a Psychometric Internship.
How do you see your future job prospects in
South Africa after graduating?
Challenging; the unemployment rate in South Africa remains high,
and many graduates are unemployed. Unfortunately, this puts
me at a disadvantage, as others in my area have job experience.
Coming straight out of university, I will have limited work experience
and certainly none in my field of study. Another challenge is that
employers want job experience, as they are not prepared to invest in
the development of graduates. Do you have any message for Italtile,
your bursary sponsor?
Please accept my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for your
sponsorship. It gave support when I needed it the most. I hope
that you have felt the rewards of your investment. In providing
a bursary, you enabled a young woman to complete her
undergraduate degree and obtain acceptance into an Honors
programme that only selects 30 people per year, which was no
easy task. Thank you very much again.
Do you have a message for anyone looking
for a bursary to further their studies?
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Navigating the websites and
juggling all the deadlines during the application process for
different bursaries was quite challenging and overwhelming.
But, in saying that, it became easier to navigate when the
BEE Chamber took over the process on my behalf. My
message is to persevere. There are bursaries, so start
the process early, research and apply for as many
as possible.
Lesley Vaughan the Group Training
Manager at Italtile Limited concludes. “Skills
Development and people are my passion.
I am proud to work for a company who
wants to help deserving students who
otherwise may not be able to afford
higher education and reach their
potential. We take such pride in
knowing we have made a difference
in a student’s life and being able to
give back to the community.”