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Environmental Warriors The Green Beret




Environmental Warriors The Green Beret

By Stella Nolan

In 2016 the Green Berets were established, especially aimed at driving skills development and job creation with the objective of cleaning up South Africa’s cities. “We believe that The Green Berets is a solution that will make a difference in addressing many of the socio-economic challenges facing our nation,” reveals Kotze.

Learners are initially recruited based on their attitude and enthusiasm to make a difference in their community, as well as their willingness to take ownership of their own destiny. Each Learner, during the learnership programme, is trained on an accredited Cleaning Learnership at NQF 1 level. This is the equivalent of grade nine. The project focuses on individuals who otherwise would not have been able to secure employment.

The programme consists of bi-weekly projects that incorporate theoretical training at the Signa Academy facility in Olifantsfontein, as well as community deployment. “Community deployment is in-the-field learning. The Green Beret Warriors are transported to identified communities where waste is collected from the streets. At the end of each day, the waste is taken to a collection point where it is sorted. The waste is then sold on to networks within the industry, and the proceeds thereof represents income generation,” asserts Kotze. During the 12-month learnership, through the repetitive actions of collecting, sorting and selling the waste, learners are equipped with the knowledge of these processes, whilst gaining an appreciation for the value of the waste. Following the conclusion of the learnership, Learners are adequately qualified to utilise their skills in the cleaning industry or establish an independent waste collection business of their own. Participation as a Green Beret sponsor is a fully recognised contribution to their Skills Development. The Green Beret initiative is currently expanding to incorporate a multitude of training and recycling activation hubs, where new Warriors are given the opportunity to join the Green Berets. The learnership provides a stipend from donor organisations over a 12-month period to support the basic living expenses of Learners for the duration of the learnership.

B-BBEE contributions are made up as follows

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