TFM Magazine is the first specialist business-to-business publication focussing on the 2013
Revised Codes of Good Practice, with the core aim of promoting the benefits of a Transforming
South Africa. Content gives insightful comment with in-depth and relevant analysis of
developments relating to trends in compliance through breaking down the ever changing and
complex elements of the 2013 Revised Codes of Good Practice.
Credible Social-Economic Development, Enterprise Development and Skills Development initiatives
are indentified and highlighted, based on their good governance and sustainability. Furthermore, TFM
Magazine gives summaries of the expectations of the Ownership, Employment Equity, and Supplier
Development elements making up the Revised Codes of Good Practice.
Our Credibility and Ethics
Differentiating ourselves in the market, and adding to the credibility of TFM Magazine, is our policy that “no
company will be eligible to participate within the publication, either through content or advertising, without
a verified B-BBEE scorecard level 6 and below”. Our focus is on integrity and not chasing the bottom line.
Your Transformational Platform
• There are various platforms within TFM Magazine whereby a company can communicate their
Transformational perspective, commitment and successes to-date.
• Let compliance take pride of place.
• Communicate long-term Transformation strategies, emphasising initiatives undertaken, milestones
achieved and desired outcomes.
• Highlight your Socio-Economic Development, Enterprise Development (priority element) and Supplier
Development initiatives.
• Showcase your commitment to empowering your workforce by bringing attention to your Skills
Development (priority element) and/or Employment Equity commitment and roll-out.
• Draw attention to your favourable level of compliance and how procuring your services will benefit the
scorecard of those utilising your services.
• A qualifying multinational may showcase their Equity Equivalent Programmes, outlining their core aim,
methodology and beneficiaries, thereof.
• Share your Good Governance initiatives.
Implementation of the long awaited 2013 Revised Codes of Good Practice, now places significant
emphasis on skills and employee development. New enterprises and incubation of emerging business are
encouraged by the Enterprise and Supplier Development element. Fronting Practices has been recognised
and subsequently categorised as a criminal offence, with tangible consequences. As the new era of
Transformation and compliance evolves, it is the responsibility of all doing business in South Africa to
encourage meaningful Transformation; whereby compliance will move from being a prerequisite mandate,
to forming part of every company’s culture.