Human Capital
Employment Equity
Frik Boonzaaier is a Human Capital
Specialist at the BEE Chamber.
During his career, he has worked
with many national and multinational
market leaders. His expertise in the
field equips him to chart a course of
transformation for organisations by identifying
relevant stakeholders whose decisions impact their ability
to transform. Frik’s aptitude for formulating sustainable
strategies aligns his clients' KPIs, training and policies
with their transformation goals. However, the area
he finds most rewarding is implementation, whereby
tracking mechanisms yield tangible results that filter
positive change throughout an
The Employment Equity Amendment Bill (the Bill) was published
as Gazette #43535 of 2020. Parliament approved it on 17th May
2022. It is currently in the final stage of promulgation and is on the
President’s desk for sign-off. The Bill's initial gazette was on
21st September 2018 as Gazette #41922 of 2018. It was in
response to the slow pace of transformation in the workplace
At the time of going to print, the last update from the Department
of Employment and Labour (DoEL) was a press release on
31st August 2022. It stated that the DoEL were preparing for the
implementation and enforcement of the Bill from September 2023.
Therefore, unless the President has any last-minute concerns about
the constitutionality of the amendments contained in the Bill, the
passage of the Bill and the amendments to the Employment Equity
Act (EEA) will go ahead.
What are the significant amendments to the Bill?
The Bill presents three significant amendments, namely: 1 Employers with less than 50 employees, irrespective of
turnover, will no longer fall within the ambit of a ‘designated
employer’. As a result, some current designated employers
will become non-designated employers and thus will not
have to comply with the duties assigned to a designated
2 Promulgating section 53 of the Act provides for issuing
certificates confirming a designated employer's compliance
with the Act. The compliance certificate will be a
prerequisite for any State procurement.
3 The Minister of Labour will be empowered to determine
sectoral numerical targets to ensure progress towards an
equitable representation of people from designated groups
at all occupational levels in the workforce.
The focus of this article is to unpack the third point mentioned
above, namely the sectoral targets.
Firstly, we need to determine whether the contention that there
has been a ‘slow pace of transformation’ is, in fact, true. Analysis
of the average demographic statistics of employers reporting into
the DoEL annually, contained in the Commission for Employment
Equity Reports (CEE Reports) between 2009 and 2022, attests
that the contention does hold water, especially when compared
to the National Economically Active Population (EAP).
The DoEL has identified the under-representation of African and Coloured men at the
top, senior and middle management, women, as well as persons with disabilities at all
occupational levels as the core areas of concern, as illustrated in the tables that follow:
CEE Report National
Variance between
2009 2022 CEE Report
2009 & 2022
2022 &
National EAP
African 8,70% 10,70% 43,60% 2,00% 32,90%
Coloured 3,40% 3,50% 5,00% 0,10% 1,50%
Indian 4,60% 7,40% 1,80% 2,80% -5,60%
White 59,90% 50,20% 4,90% -9,70% -45,30%
African 3,80% 6,40% 25,80% 2,60% 19,40%
Coloured 1,50% 2,40% 4,10% 0,90% 1,70%
Indian 1,30% 3,50% 0,90% 2,20% -2,60%
White 13,80% 13,00% 3,90% -0,80% -9,10%
CEE Report National
Variance between
2009 2022 CEE Report
2009 & 2022
2022 &
National EAP
African 9,80% 15,50% 43,60% 5,70% 28,10%
Coloured 4,20% 4,70% 5,00% 0,50% 0,30%
Indian 5,20% 7,50% 1,80% 2,30% -5,70%
White 45,60% 33,60% 4,90% -12,00% -28,70%
African 5,20% 10,10% 35,80% 4,90% 25,70%
Coloured 2,60% 3,30% 4,10% 0,70% 0,80%
Indian 2,20% 4,50% 0,90% 2,30% -3,60%
White 22,30% 17,70% 3,90% -4,60% -13,80%
CEE Report National
Variance between
2009 2022 CEE Report
2009 & 2022
2022 &
National EAP
African 13,40% 22,80% 43,60% 9,40% 20,80%
Coloured 5,30% 5,00% 5,00% -0,30% 0,00%
Indian 6,20% 4,90% 1,80% -1,30% -3,10%
White 38,30% 17,80% 4,90% -20,50% -12,90%
African 7,60% 24,20% 35,80% 16,60% 11,60%
Coloured 3,70% 4,80% 4,10% 1,10% -0,70%
Indian 3,40% 4,40% 0,90% 1,00% -3,50%
White 20,00% 13,60% 3,90% -6,40% -9,70%
“The amendments to the Employment
Equity Act will have far-reaching
consequences for designated employers.
Now is the time to review your
organisation's transformation strategy.”
A crude calculation of the ‘pace of transformation’ from the
findings of the CEE Report between 2009 and 2022 generally
indicates growth towards EAP alignment. However, comparing
the 2022 CEE Report to the National EAP targets makes the
reality of the ‘slow pace of transformation’ apparent. For example,
take the variance between the overall actual statistics in the CEE
Reports per race and gender group over the 13 years - 2009 to
2022 - is it possible to estimate the 'pace of transformation' per
year? Comparing this 'pace of transformation' to the National EAP
targets, is it further possible to estimate how long it will take until
the demographic representation in the national workforce reflects
that of the National EAP targets? The table below illustrates how
long it would take for top and senior management to achieve the
national EAP targets
African Coloured African Coloured
214 years 156 years 208 years 29 years
64 years 5 years 77 years 15 year
n context, a generation is pitched to be between 20 and 30
years. So, using 20 years as the timeframe for a generation, it
would take African men more than ten generations and African
women more than seven generations to meet National EAP
targets at Top Management. As a collective, women would
only realise their National EAP targets at Senior Management
by 2053.
What is the status of persons with disabilities?
Since the 17th CEE Report, the representation of persons with
disabilities has been featured separately per occupational
level. The target applicable for persons with disabilities for both
employment equity and B-BBEE purposes is 2% of the
total workforce
Persons with
2017 2022 CEE
2017 vs
Top Management 1.20% 1.60% 0.40% -0.40%
Senior Management 1.10% 1.30% 0.20% -0.70%
0.90% 1.20% 0.30% -0.80%
Junior Management 0.90% 1.20% 0.30% -0.80%
Semi-skilled 0.80% 1.30% 0.50% -0.70%
Unskilled 0.80% 1.40% 0.60% -0.60%
Although the representation of persons with disabilities improved at
all occupational levels between 2017 and 2022, employers have,
on average, not met the 2% target at any occupational level. At the
current ‘pace of transformation’, for persons with disabilities at top
management and the semi-skilled level, it would take five to eight
years to meet the targets.
Therefore, considering the findings of the CEE Reports against the
National EAP and disability targets, it is safe to say that the DoEL’s
contention of a ‘slow pace of transformation’ is correct, at least in
terms of EAP and disability percentages. Hence the DoEL’s decision
to institute sectoral targets.
What is the status of the sectoral targets?
The DoEL has confirmed that engagements on setting sectoral
numerical targets began in June 2019. At the time of going to print,
there was no confirmation, however, of whether these engagements
were concluded. The next step is to publish the draft sectoral targets
for 30-day public comment. Gazetting of the final sectoral targets will
only happen once the President has given his assent to the gazetting
of the EE Act Amendments. The amendments mean that designated
employers must match or exceed the targets which the DoEL will set
for five-year cycles
at a time.
Which sectors will the DoEL institute
sectoral targets for?
Below are the sectors where the DoEL will prescribe targets
Administrative and Support Activities Accommodation and Food Service Activities Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Construction Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply Education Financial and Insurance Activities Human Health and Social Work Activities Information and Communication Manufacturing Mining and Quarrying Public Administrative
and Support
and Food Service
Forestry & Fishing
and Recreation
Construction Electricity, Gas,
Steam and Air
Education Financial and
Human Health
and Social Work
Information and
Manufacturing Mining and
and Defence;
Social Security
Scientific and
Real Estate
Repair of Motor
Vehicles and
and Storage
Water Supply,
Sewerage, Waste
and Remediation
Wholesale and
Retail Trades
What course of action should employers take
until the gazetting of the Bill?
Until the President assents to the gazetting of the amendments,
the 2013 EE Act stands. Although, upon the gazetting of
the Bill, smaller companies will become non-designated
employers, all current designated employers, large and small
alike, must continue to implement the duties outlined in the Act
as it currently stands. In line with the current requirements, a
designated employer must have an EE Consultative Committee,
develop an EE Plan and report progress annually to the DoEL,
among others. These are the duties of a designated employer,
which a DoEL inspector will review.
Will current EE Plans become redundant
upon the publishing of the gazette?
The timeframe communicated on 31st August 2022 implies that
all current EE Plans will become redundant at the end of August
2023. Therefore, new EE Plans, which must include sectoral
targets, must be ready for implementation from September
2023 onwards. One of the areas which may be confusing is
the assumption that the sectoral targets will trump the EAP
targets and that employers, therefore, will no longer need to
align with the National EAP targets. On the contrary, designated
employers must view sectoral targets as interim targets, which
the DoEL will set to accelerate the pace of transformation, so
that employers move more quickly towards the National EAP
targets. Section 42(1)(a) remains intact and states:
1 “In determining whether a designated employer is
implementing employment equity in compliance with this
Act, the Director-General or any person or body applying
this Act may … take the following into account:
(a) The extent to which suitably qualified people from
and amongst the different designated groups are
equitably represented within each occupational
level in an employer's workforce according to the
demographic profile of the National and Regional
Economically Active Population.
(b) “Whether or not the employer has complied with any
sectoral target …” will simply be an addition to the
amendment and not a replacement. Pursuing the
National EAP targets will put a designated employer
in good stead to meet the sectoral targets. Therefore,
designated employers with EE plans set to expire
before the gazetting of the sectoral targets must base
their new EE Plan on the National EAP targets, which
a designated employer can then amend upon the
gazetting of the sectoral targets.
“At the current 'pace of transformation',
it will take more than 200 years for
South Africa to meet all National EAP targets
at all occupational levels.”
What happens if a designated employer
cannot meet the sectoral targets?
According to section 16 of the 2018 Draft Regulations issued
as Gazette #41923 of 2018, a designated employer will have to
justify any misalignment based on one or more of the following:
> Insufficient recruitment opportunities;
> Insufficient promotion opportunities;
> Insufficient target individuals from the designated groups
with the relevant qualification, skills and experience;
> Court order;
> Transfer of business;
> Mergers or acquisitions; and
> Impact on business from economic circumstances.
Although the regulations remain in the draft, designated
employers can use the draft regulations as a guideline of what
will most likely be applicable in future.
To conclude, the long-awaited EE Act Amendments present
a mixed bag and will significantly impact how businesses
implement transformation going forward. As the
amendments necessitate designated employers to
present a certificate of compliance to win State
tenders, the cost of non-compliance could be grave.
Consequently, designated employers must thoroughly consider all
aspects of the amendments when plotting their new EE course of
Until the amendments become effective, it is business as usual.
Therefore, all current designated employers must ensure that the
implementation of their EE Plans is in line with, and can withstand
the scrutiny of, an Employment Equity Director-General review as
per the 2013 Amendments.
Any updates on the Bill's finalisation, or additional updates that
will contradict the information provided in this article, will feature
in the TFM Magazine/BEE Chamber’s weekly newsletter. Contact to secure weekly electronic delivery of the