The Gamble of a Special Power of Attorney
The Gamble of a Special Power of Attorney
An audit or verification takes place when an organisation contracts an
independent inspection of the evidence, whether it be for financial or
B-BBEE purposes. The process tests, then reports on, the validity of
evidence. In doing this, those responsible for the independent audit or
verification are held accountable for the published results. Transparency
in an audit or verification is paramount. As with a financial audit, those
responsible for verifying B-BBEE evidence must be aware of false
reporting implications, otherwise known as Fronting Practices, in the
B-BBEE scheme of things.
Therefore, an organisation must equip those implementing a B-BBEE
Strategy to complete the task from start to finish. For example, as in
other professional fields, Human Resources or those operating in the
financial sector are qualified and versed in applying law applicable
to their professions. Therefore, irrespective of the persons’ field of
expertise, legislation guides compliance in most cases.
Unlike most pieces of legislation, B-BBEE compliance is optional;
however, law guides organisations that choose to embark on a B-BBEE
journey. Thus, organisations should consider the rules of engagement
when embarking on and implementing a B-BBEE Strategy. However,
many organisations neglect to recognise the risk associated with an
unqualified team driving their B-BBEE Strategy. The lack of overall
knowledge about B-BBEE legislation necessary to drive a successful
B-BBEE Strategy results in an over-reliance on B-BBEE Consultants.
Furthermore, without dedicated resources, vital elements that feed into
an organisation’s evidence for a B-BBEE Verification, are undertaken by
people not qualified to do so. For example, employees feeding into an
organisation’s B-BBEE Strategy from the Human Resources or Finance
Departments frequently undertake the task outside their normal job
function. Although these departments are a natural fit for implementing
a B-BBEE Strategy, the legislation does not form part of the curriculum
for either Human Resources or Finance degrees.
Considering the enormity of the financial investment made to drive
a B-BBEE Strategy, in-house expertise should be non-negotiable.
Nonetheless, the complexity of and continued amendments to B-BBEE
legislation, and a lack of confidence to drive a B-BBEE Strategy
effectively, result in an over-reliance on B-BBEE Consultants. Many
organisations do not realise that there is no regulatory body that
oversees a B-BBEE Consultant’s conduct, qualifies them or holds them
accountable for their performance (see page 10).
Subsequently, the amendments in the R47-03 document attempt
to separate those leading a B-BBEE Verification for an organisation,
verifying evidence, from those who consult. Thus this puts the onus on
organisations to take ultimate responsibility for their B-BBEE Verification
The amendments that oblige an organisation to interact directly with
its B-BBEE Rating Agency without third-party interception appear in
section 10.2.4 of the R47-03. The most consequential amendment is
that organisations must pay a B-BBEE Rating Agency directly and not
through any third party. Both amendments support accurate and reliable
results, encouraging no conflict of interest by any party.
As a result of the amendments to the R47-03 and the lack of in house B-BBEE knowledge, many organisations find themselves in a
predicament. They are not prepared to take a B-BBEE Verification from
start to finish independently. As a result, many organisations are granting
a Special Power of Attorney (PoA) to their B-BBEE Consultant to lead
their B-BBEE Verification. However, in doing this, some organisations
are not taking into account the risks involved. Likewise, B-BBEE
Consultants act with a Special PoA without considering the risk to
What does a Special PoA allow?
A PoA generically is a legal document that allows a person, known as
a grantee, to act on a grantor’s behalf legally. For the purposes of this
article, the reference to a ‘Grantor’ will hereon mean ‘an organisation’
and ‘Grantee’ a third party. A third party for B-BBEE purposes may
refer to an organisation’s B-BBEE Consultant. South African law
provides for two types of PoA:
> A General PoA; and
> A Special PoA.
Entering into a Special PoA is legally binding, attaching implications
for all parties involved. Thus, all parties must be fully aware of the
repercussions of entering into a Special PoA for a B-BBEE Verification.
Organisations must make an informed, independent decision before
granting a Special PoA, instead of looking at it as a document to make
the B-BBEE Verification process easier. Essentially, an organisation must
abide by decisions made by a third party when granting a Special PoA.
Notably, a B-BBEE Rating Agency must be aware that a Special PoA is
not embedded in the R47-03 requirement, but is legally accepted.
Entering into a Special PoA agreement
A mere letter does not trigger a Special PoA, as it is a legally binding
document that must conform with the following requirements:
> Clearly describe and identify all parties;
> Extend the power to areas where a third party may act;
> All parties must sign;
The Special PoA must be signed by two witnesses. However, such
witnesses may not derive any benefit from the PoA.
What does a Special PoA mean during a
B-BBEE Verification?
A legally enforceable Special PoA can only exist between the
third party and the organisation. A Special PoA will remain valid
until an organisation revokes it or when the mandate is complete.
An organisation’s B-BBEE Rating Agency must be aware of the
requirements and nature of a PoA to ensure that they do not just
accept mere letters where an organisation simply permits a third
party to facilitate its B-BBEE process.
Therefore, when an organisation procures a B-BBEE Rating
Agency’s services, it is the third party and not the organisation that
takes control of the B-BBEE Verification; but the contract remains
between the B-BBEE Rating Agency and the organisation.
Who must be aware of a Special PoA to
facilitate a B-BBEE Verification?
Upon an organisation opting to go the Special PoA route, its
mandated representative must present a copy of the Special PoA to
the B-BBEE Rating Agency.
Once that has happened, the B-BBEE Rating Agency may interact
with the organisation and the third party. The nature of the powers
at the outset of the B-BBEE Verification must be clear.
Who is accountable for an offence when a
Special PoA for B-BBEE purposes is in place?
Third parties granted with a Special PoA must be aware of the
responsibility and risk they are undertaking when acting on behalf
of an organisation. The consequence of any misrepresentation of
information or evidence resulting in Fronting Practices will legally
implicate a third party as if they were the party who committed the
The B-BBEE Act (The Act) indicates that an offence occurs when a
person knowingly:
> misrepresents or attempts to misrepresent the B-BBEE status
of an organisation;
> provides false information or misrepresents information to a
B-BBEE verification professional to secure a partial B-BBEE
status or any benefit associated with compliance to The Act;
> provides false information or misrepresents information relevant
to assessing the B-BBEE status of an organisation; or
> engages in a Fronting Practice.
A B-BBEE verification professional, procurement officer, an
official of an organ of state or public entity who becomes aware
of the committing, or attempt to commit, any offence referred
to in subsection (1) and fails to report it to an appropriate law
enforcement agency, is guilty of an offence.
The following consequences apply to a person convicted of
contravening The Act:
> Violating subsection (1) exposes that person to a fine or
imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten years, or both. If
the convicted person is not a natural person, a fine not
exceeding 10% of its annual turnover could be
imposed; or
> Contravention of subsection (2) or section 13N could lead to a
fine or imprisonment for a period not exceeding 12 months,
or both.
To determine the value of a fine relating to an offence in
subsection (1), the court will consider the value of the transaction
relating to the offence. A court, after convicting a person in terms of
subsection (3), must report such to:
> The B-BBEE Verification Regulator - currently SANAS - if that
person is an accredited B-BBEE verification professional;
> The B-BBEE Commission; or
> The council relevant to an organisation outside the B-BBEE
space which regulates the sector in which an organisation
Despite anything to the contrary, a magistrates court has jurisdiction
to impose any penalty provided for in The Act.
Responsibility and accountability apply to people or a person who:
1 Had actual knowledge of that matter; or
2 Were in a position in which the people/person reasonably ought
to have:
> had actual knowledge;
> investigated the matter to the extent that would have
provided the person with actual knowledge; or
> taken other measures which, if taken, would reasonably be
expected to have provided the person with actual
knowledge of the matter.
What are the risks to an organisation when
instituting a Special PoA?
It can be challenging to hold a third party accountable for wrongful
conduct as a Special PoA is governed by a contract and not a
court. A third party may:
> Have a vested interest in a specific B-BBEE Verification
> Provide false information, exclude relevant evidence
required, or amend details or evidence without the
organisation’s knowledge
> Lack the necessary skills and expertise to successfully
oversee the B-BBEE Verification, impacting
the outcome.
What risk factors does a Special PoA hold
for a third party?
If an organisation commits, or has previously participated in,
Fronting Practices, the third party will be deemed a ‘knowing
person’. Consequently, any party investigating a matter will
include a third party in any subsequent investigations. A guilty
conviction would include the third party in the penalty phase.
What costs are attached to a Special PoA
and roll-out of duties?
There would be legal costs for drafting a valid and enforceable
Special PoA. If the third party is conducting work over and
above their regular duties, it may incur additional costs for the
organisation’s account. Third parties, therefore, will ask for a
fee to carry out the mandate contained in the Special PoA.
What is the process if a B-BBEE Rating
Agency witnesses a third party not acting in
an organisation’s best interest?
Although an organisation grants a Special PoA, a B-BBEE
Rating Agency must continue to interact directly with the
organisation and report on their progress, especially if the
third party is not acting in an organisation’s best interest.
If a B-BBEE Rating Agency becomes aware of the committing
of, or any attempt to commit, any offence, it must report it to
the B-BBEE Commission immediately.
Even with a Special PoA in place, an organisation remains
ultimately accountable for its B-BBEE Credentials. It must
ensure that it involves itself in every aspect of their B-BBEE
In conclusion, organisations deciding to appoint a third party
utilising a Special PoA must do proper due diligence. More
so, organisations must equip those feeding into their B-BBEE
Strategy to carry out their functions diligently and with
appropriate cognisance of the B-BBEE requirements. If opting
to use a third party for a B-BBEE Verification, it is imperative
that the person is fully versed, vetted and in good standing.
Such a person must demonstrate the ability and knowledge
to address every aspect of a B-BBEE Verification, such as
the Code on which an organisation is measured regarding all
aspects of the scorecard, the interpretations, calculations and
linked pieces of legislation
The BEE Chamber, through consultation with Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc, created the following template as a reference
point for granting a Special PoA.
I, the undersigned,
NAME & SURNAME: _____________________________________________
IDENTITY NUMBER: _____________________________________________
COMPANY NAME: _____________________________________________
COMPANY REGISTRATION NUMBER: _____________________________________________
Do hereby nominate and appoint (Consultant Company Name), represented by (Consultant Company Representative
Name – ID Number) with a Special Power of Attorney, to be my lawful Agent in my name, to:
1 Manage the B-BBEE Verification process on my behalf;
2 Engage with the B-BBEE Rating Agency on matters pertaining to the B-BBEE Verification of (Measured Entity
Name) on my behalf;
3 Make decisions and provide B-BBEE Verification documentation to the B-BBEE Rating Agency for B-BBEE
Verification purposes only on my behalf; and
4 The duration of the Special Power of Attorney will commence from date of signature until a B-BBEE Verification
Certificate is received by (Measured Entity Name).
SIGNED AT _______________ ON THIS THE ______________ DAY OF __________________
SIGNATURE (BEHALF OF ORGANISATION) _________________________________________
SIGNATURE (BEHALF OF CONSULTANT) ___________________________________________
NAME __________________________ SIGNATURE __________________________________
NAME __________________________ SIGNATURE _________________________________