Clause 2.4.2 of statement 400 of the Generic Codes of Good Practice allocates Bonus Points for creating one or more jobs as a direct result of a Supplier Development or Enterprise Development intervention.
The necessary evidence varies between B-BBEE Rating Agencies. Generally, however, a letter confirming job creation from the Beneficiary will serve as such evidence. The letter of confirmation must affirm that the intervention created at least one new job. Some confirmations may include being administered by a Commissioner of Oaths. This must be undertaken by the Beneficiary and must include:
An organisation’s full name, physical address, postal address and registration number;
A Beneficiary’s full company name, physical address, postal address, and registration number;
The Enterprise Development or Supplier Development commenced;
The date of the contribution;
The number of new positions due to the intervention; and
The names of the new employees;
Enterprise & Supplier Development Services are available to assist Members meeting requirements for Job Creation.