There are two facets to take into account on the Skills Development Scorecard, namely:
1. Skills Development Expenditure; and
2. Headcount.
The total points for Skills Development expenditure on Black People are ten against a total target of 6% of the Leviable Amount. The 2019 changes to the Amended General B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice for Large Enterprises further splits the target as follows:
2.5% of the Leviable Amount, specifically for Category A Bursaries for courses registered with the Department for Higher Education and Training (DHET) (4 Points).
3.5% of the Leviable Amount available from all categories, namely A to G, applicable to Bursaries not claimed above, Learnerships, Internships, Apprenticeships, skills programmes, short courses and in-house training (6 Points).
An additional target of 0.3% of the Leviable Amount is available to organisations that provide training to Black Employed persons with disabilities. This expenditure for training such employees counts towards achieving an overall 6% expenditure target. Put another way; the expenditure could reflect in two ways, either under general expenditure or bursary expenditure (4 Points).
Skills Development Services are available to assist Members with understanding the above.