A QSE that is more than 51% ‘Black’-owned qualifies for Enhanced Recognition, which means that an Affidavit is the only B-BBEE Credential they have to present. Paragraph 5.3 of Statement 000 published in Gazette #42496 makes the following allowance for Enhanced Recognition:
5.3 Enhanced B-BBEE recognition level for QSE:
5.3.1 Despite paragraph 5.2 above, a QSE which is 100% Black-owned, measured using the flow-through principle, qualifies for elevation to a “B-BBEE Level One Contributor” having a B-BBEE recognition level of 135%.
5.3.2 Despite paragraph 5.2 above, a QSE which is at least 51% Black-owned, measured using the flow-through principle, qualifies for elevation to a “B-BBEE Level Two Contributor” having a B-BBEE recognition level of 125%.
5.3.3 A Black-owned QSE in terms of paragraph 5.3. above, is only required to obtain a sworn affidavit on an annual basis, confirming the following: Annual Total Revenue of between R10 million and R50 million; and Level of Black ownership.
Thus, as they have met the Ownership criteria, they are not required to meet the Management Control, Skills Development, Enterprise & Supplier Development or Socio-economic Development targets.
Furthermore, paragraphs 5.4 and 5.5 make the following references:
5.4 Despite paragraph 5.3 a Black-owned QSE may be measured in terms of the QSE scorecard should it so choose.
5.5 Any misrepresentation in terms of paragraph 5.3 above constitutes a criminal offence as set out in the B-BBEE Act as amended.
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