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The definition provided outlines what constitutes a "Professionally Registered Person" or "Registered Professional" in the context of the South African construction industry. This designation is important for ensuring that practitioners in the built environment meet specific standards of competency and ethical conduct, as governed by recognized professional councils or bodies.

As per Schedule 1 of the Amended Construction B-BBEE Sector Codes of Good Practice, “Professionally Registered Person” Or “Registered Professional” is defined as:


Professional means a suitably qualified practitioner requiring statutory registration with a recognised and authorised Council or Body in the Built Environment of South Africa; that monitors and regulates competency, codes of ethics and continuing professional development. Once registered as a Professional this person is authorised to practice in a field of expertise and is known as a “professionally registered person” or “registered professional”


The Construction Sector Charter Council (CSCC) has recently published an updated list of Recognised Professional Registration Councils in accordance with CSC Statements 200 and 300 of the Amended Construction B-BBEE Sector Codes of Good Practice.


Technical Services are available to guide Members in the Construction Sector in understanding these requirements.

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