The Fight Against Corruption
Robust Legislation & Global Regulators
The Fight Against Corruption
Robust Legislation & Global Regulators
As it got underway, the much anticipated Commission of Inquiry into State Capture was
welcomed by South Africans. To most, it would prove that State Capture was not a myth as
was previously suggested and would lead to those exposed in the scourge of corruption being
held accountable. However, critical to holding those involved in corrupt activities accountable is
the process of exposing them. Vital to the overall success of the Commission is full disclosure
of all corrupt activities at all levels. Therefore, the Commission relies heavily on Whistle-Blowers,
who must be protected in line with The Protection of Disclosures Act.
Almost immediately, Whistle-Blowers began exposing the scourge of corruption
across all sectors of business and Government. Unfortunately, until the findings
of the commission are published, it is business as usual for many of those
implicated. Sure, there have been the ‘fall guys’, but for most no immediate
However, what many did not see coming were the consequences for
organisations implicated in State Capture, as the banking fraternity essentially
took away their ability to trade by revoking their banking services. In short, banks
have strict trading guidelines and legal obligations with regards to anti-corruption
compliance that must be adhered to. The decision to close such accounts was
undoubtedly the result of compliance and risk decisions to protect the various
To the surprise of many, on the face of it, South Africa has a robust legal
framework to address corruption. Relevant legislative enactments include the
Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act; the South African Companies
Act; the Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA) and the Accreditation for
Conformity Assessment, Calibration and Good Laboratory Practice Act, to name
but a few. Moreover, there are dedicated and competent officials mandated to
identify and appropriately deal with corruption, including the Public Protector and
the National Prosecuting Authority
Transparency International Corruption Index
South Africa did not perform well in the 2017 Transparency International Corruption Index, where it occupied
position 71, a regression from the 2015 index where it held position 612
Sub-Saharan Africa, globally, is the worst performing region as a whole; however, several countries
consistently push back against corruption with notable progress. The key ingredient that the top performing
African countries have in common is political leadership that is consistently committed to driving
anti-corruption. While the majority of countries already have anti-corruption laws and institutions in place,
these leading countries go a step further to ensure implementation. Three examples are President Paul
Kagame’s strict enforcement of compliance with the leadership code in Rwanda and President Jorge
Fonseca’s open promotion of institutional transparency in Cabo Verde – both hold position 48 on the index.
The innovative approach of President Ian Khama to mainstream anti-corruption across Botswana ranked
them in position 34. Each of these countries has identified what works best in their country and pursued
tactics to address corruption with vigour and commitment.
There are various frameworks in place, both voluntary and mandatory,
national and international, designed to drive good corporate governance
in South Africa. However, what is evident from the disclosures stemming
from the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture is that there has
been a dire shortfall in enforcement and consequences for the corrupt.
In other words, the South African authorities presently do not impose
the substantial penalties in line with legislation on organisations or
government officials implicated in corruption.
Today, as the tide on corruption is turning, many organisations are
beginning to address it by putting remedial measures and controls in
place. However, government intervention is paramount in reducing
the scourge of bribery, extortion and/or bribe solicitation. South Africa
can learn from the measures adopted by global regulators against
organisations that bribe.
There are various mechanisms in place for driving Good Corporate
Governance and neutralising corruption.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD) recommendations
Since 2007 South Africa has been a voluntary signatory to the OECD.
One positive step in 2010 was the introduction of requirements
that oblige South African organisations to adopt the OECD
recommendations on Combating Bribery, Bribe Solicitation and
Extortion (2011), which must be implemented in terms of regulation 43
of the South African Companies Act, (71 of 2008), as amended. These
recommendations require organisations to:
> not pay or demand bribes;
> have an anti-bribery/corruption policy;
> develop internal processes and controls to mitigate the risk of
> keep fair and accurate books and records;
> perform an anti-bribery risk assessment to identify bribery risks in the
> perform due diligence on agents, intermediaries and consultants, to
ensure that they do not pay bribes on behalf of an organisation;
> educate employees and agents on anti-bribery processes and
publicise their anti-bribery initiatives; and
> avoid unlawful political contributions.
Across all sectors, South African organisations are beginning to come to
grips with implementing robust anti-bribery and corruption programmes
to comply with these recommendations, which in effect should see a
gradual, organic reduction in corrupt activities in society at large. The
principal objective of the OECD anti-corruption obligations imposed
on organisations is to neutralise the ability of the private sector to pay
bribes. In doing this, it aims to reduce corruption levels in respect of
public sector corruption, as corrupt organisations invariably pay bribes.
South African organisations should regard the OECD recommendations
as normal business practice, as they amount to good corporate
governance and commitment to doing business ethically, and spell out
necessary procedures required to mitigate bribery risks.
The South African Companies Act
Failure to comply with the Companies Act requirement to implement
the OECD requirements may result in an organisation being issued a
directive to comply. However, if that compliance order is flouted, an
organisation could face a fine of up to R1m. A revision of the South
African National Anti-Corruption Strategy to dramatically increase
penalties for non-compliance is in process.
Serious contemplation must be given to increase penalties for
corruption. They should be similar to the multi-million dollar penalties
imposed by global regulators like the Department of Justice and the
Securities and Exchange Commission in the United States (US) and the
Serious Fraud Office in the United Kingdom (UK), regarding enforcement
actions related to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the UK
Bribery Act (UKBA), respectively.
South African organisations which fall under the jurisdiction of the
Companies Act and are required to adopt the OECD requirements are:
> organs-of-state;
> all public companies;
> any other company that has, in two of the previous five years, scored
more than 500 points outlined in regulation 26(2).
The score is determined by:
> one point per average employee number;
> one point per every R1m in third-party liability;
> one point for every R1m in turnover;
> one point for every person with direct or indirect beneficial interest in
issued securities; and
> one point per member or per association that is a member of
non-profit organisations.
Regulation 43 of the Companies Act introduced a requirement for
organisations to establish a Social and Ethics Committee. Among a
host of duties in promoting good corporate citizenship and ethics,
its responsibility includes reducing corruption by ensuring that an
organisation adopts and implements the OECD recommendations to
reduce corruption. The duties of the Social and Ethics Committee,
based on the OECD recommendations on combating bribery, bribe
solicitation and extortion, are summarised as follows:
> To monitor an organisation’s activities regarding any relevant
legislation, other legal requirements or prevailing codes of best
practice, in matters relating to social and economic development.
This includes an organisation’s standing in terms of its goals and
purposes of:
° the ten principles set out in the United Nations’ Global Compact.
Principle ten stipulates that organisations should work against
corruption in all its forms, which include extortion and bribery;
° the OECD recommendations regarding corruption; and
° the Employment Equity Act.
> To ensure good corporate citizenship, including an organisation’s:
° Promotion of equality, prevention of unfair discrimination, and
reduction of corruption;
° Contribution to the development of communities in which its
activities are predominantly conducted, or within which its
products or services are predominantly marketed;
° Recording of sponsorship, donations and charitable giving;
° Overseeing issues relating to the environment, health and public
safety, as well as the impact of an organisation’s activities,
products or services;
° Tracking consumer relationships;
° Monitoring advertising, public relations and compliance, in line with
consumer protection laws
> Labour and employment issues:
° To evaluate the organisation’s standing in terms of the International
Labour Organization Protocol on decent work and working
conditions. This incorporates appraising an organisation’s
employment relationship and contributions towards the educational
development of its employees.
° To draw matters within its mandate to the attention of the board,
as the occasion requires.
° To report, via one of its members, to the shareholders at the
organisation’s annual general meeting on the matters within its
Financial Intelligence Centre Act
The Financial Intelligence Centre Act (38 of 2001) (the FIC Act) came
into effect on 1st July 2003. The FIC Act was introduced to fight financial
crime, such as money laundering, tax evasion, and terrorist financing
activities. The FIC Act brings South Africa in line with similar legislation
in other countries designed to reveal the movement of monies derived
from unlawful activities to curb money laundering and other criminal
Prevention and Combating of Corrupt
Activities Act
Facilitation payments have always been illegal in South Africa. In terms
of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (12 of 2004),
it is a criminal offence to provide any form of ‘gratification’ to an official
if it is not lawfully due. The act of bribery is further regulated by this Act,
which states that:
“any person who directly or indirectly gives or accepts or agrees or
offers to give or accept any gratification from another person with
the purpose of acting personally or influencing another person to
act in a manner that amounts to an illegal, dishonest, or
unauthorised action or an abuse of authority, a breach of trust, or a
violation of a legal duty is guilty of an act of corruption.”
In terms, of the general offence of corruption, the Act sets out an
entire series of ‘corrupt activities’, which include the corruption of
public officials, as well as foreign government officials. The Act
addresses corruption related to, among others, tenders, contracts,
agents, members of the legislature, members of the judiciary, sporting
events and games of chance. Globally, lengthy periods of imprisonment
are often imposed on individual offenders convicted of corrupt
activities. The mandatory minimum sentence for corruption in terms
of the South African sentencing guidelines, is direct imprisonment for
a period of 15 years.
“Whistle-Blowers must be protected in line with The Protection of Disclosures Act.”
What is clear in South Africa, is that it has an excellent legislative framework in place for tackling corruption, which
is making minor inroads into the number of offenders, but as mentioned, concerns have been raised about the
enforcement thereof.
Global Regulators
As many organisations and individuals fly under the radar of culpability within the South African business arena, the
global playing field, in terms of accountability, has changed drastically in recent years.
For some time, anti-corruption campaigners and activists have been urging South African authorities to consider the
adoption of legislation similar to that of the UKBA, which came into effect in July 2011. Through its innovation, a new
corporate offence, “the failure by a commercial organisation to prevent bribery,” has been compelling organisations
associated with the UK to take robust anti-corruption measures.
The UKBA is similar to the FCPA and, like US legislation, it makes provision for extra-territorial jurisdiction by the UK
regulators in respect of acts of corruption committed by organisations associated with the UK. This is irrespective of
whether the act of corruption took place in the UK or elsewhere and regardless of where the organisation in question
is registered or located in the world. The UKBA is not only aggressive, but it has more far-reaching consequences
for South African organisations than the FCPA, as it gives the Serious Fraud Office the power to impose fines for the
failure to prevent bribery. Unlike the FCPA, the UKBA applies to both public and private sector corruption, and it has
further criminalised facilitation payments.
The US remains the most robust global enforcer of corruption violations. A critical factor for South African
organisations is that the US Department of Justice adopts an extensive approach to jurisdiction and has cautioned
it will find jurisdiction in respect of bribes paid to foreign government officials. One way to do this is if payments are
routed through US dollar accounts or e-mails, which are merely transmitted through US-based servers. Accordingly,
South African organisations, which may not ordinarily regard themselves as subject to the FCPA, may inadvertently
become subject to the extra-territorial jurisdictional reach of the FCPA. For example, in the event of a bribe being paid
to a foreign government official by an employee of a subsidiary in Africa, the prosecution thereof could take place in
South Africa. However, the perpetrators could further face prosecution in the US.
It is only a question of time before the South African government implements and follows through with drastic
measures against corruption, similar to those in the UK and the US. It is, therefore, imperative that South African
organisations initiate robust anti-corruption programmes to comply with UKBA and FCPA guidelines to avoid their
prosecution and, of course, as part of their good governance, conform to the South African Companies Act.
In today’s current global and local anti-corruption compliance environment, it would be reckless for any board of an
organisation not to pay serious attention to creating an anti-bribery culture within their organisation. Non-compliance
with anti-corruption requirements has far-reaching consequences for organisations, which could result in banks
revoking their banking services, a risk that has to be appropriately managed, given the seriousness of global regulators
targeting corruption.
In conclusion, some see corruption as a victimless crime. However, the truth is in vast contrast. In South Africa,
over the past decade, it is estimated that trillions have been lost to corruption, trillions that could have housed and
educated South Africans. The reality is, corruption has robbed a generation of South Africans of opportunities and
ravished the economy.